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WHICH pokemon do you find most attractive?


Well-Known Member
Since there's a thread about if people are attracted to pokemon, I thought it would be interesting to see which pokemon people are attracted to. Be it their regular form, anthropomorphic form, or as humans...

Don't bother posting if you're just going to say being attracted to pokemon is gross, it's just fantasy.

For me, I'd say... Mewtwo, Lucario, and Arcanine (the latter being mainly because of a particular set of fanart...). Maybe Zangoose too ^_^


New Member
I would say Skitty,Meowth,Persian, and Delcatty because I love cats more than any other any animal.Lovin ;483; ;484;

Horn Drill

Don't bother posting if you're just going to say being attracted to pokemon is gross, it's just fantasy.

Well, it is. =/

But when Snorlax Selfdestructs on top of my sprawled body... It's hard to resist... :p
Gardevoir, Mimiroppu, Bellossom, Kirlia, Mawile, Gorebyss, Latias, Miltank...

That's it. I think? =P


jynx, i'd love 2 c her in a Pokemon Contest


Well-Known Member
neorantu. what? it's cute!


Well-Known Member
Meowth, Hitmonchan, Machamp, and Flygon are my attractions.


Active Member
charizard;006; and sceptile;254;...they're soooo cool!!!!!!and arcanine;059; also...i wonder what it would feel like hugging rk9....hmmm???


Most attractive Pokémon from me:
(not in order)

- Latias
- Gardevoir
- Dragonair
- Mimiroppu
- Milotic
- Kureseria
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Solar Crimson

A Crimson Tide
I wouldn't say attractive, but beautiful.

Gardevoir, Mimiroppu, Milotic, Latias, and Kureseria.
add Roselia, Misdreavus and Corsola and that's my list. Though there's alot more of them if this is just about designs I like.
*Bashes head* I stupidly forgot Roselia, Rozureido and Corsola! =P

But yeah. Them too. <33


Beginning Trainer
Yukinenoko of course, is one of the sexyest girls in Pokémon, and, male,... what do you think about Golduck? They would be a nice couple! ^^