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Which Pokemon do you think is the most Gem-like of all Pokemon?

  • Thread starter Le Rayquaza Made Of Quartz
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Le Rayquaza Made Of Quartz

That means which one is the best among the poll. And here they are:

Tentacool/Tentacruel: They shoot laser beams from their head crystals

Staryu/Starmie: Obvious, isn't it?

Geodude: Er, it says geode so...XD

Deoxys: Multi-purpose gem, can and WILL get the most votes

Onix: Remember the Crystal Onix?

Glalie: Looks like Obsidian in some kind of rock, and an Ice type

Cloyster/Clampearl: Pearls, counted as a gem as well so don't get O_O

Regice: THE GOD OF ICE AND CRYSTAL, Deoxys has a rival

Dragonair: A Chinese Dragon, and most Chinese dragons wear round pearls


And guys use your flipping imagination for Geodude, I don't want posts like OMFGZ GEODUDE SUX LOLLOLOL cause no one ever broke a Geodude in half to check what's inside.
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