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Which Pokemon do you think is the most Gem-like of all Pokemon?

  • Thread starter Le Rayquaza Made Of Quartz
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Which Pokemon deserves to be the best of Crystals?

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Le Rayquaza Made Of Quartz

That means which one is the best among the poll. And here they are:

Tentacool/Tentacruel: They shoot laser beams from their head crystals

Staryu/Starmie: Obvious, isn't it?

Geodude: Er, it says geode so...XD

Deoxys: Multi-purpose gem, can and WILL get the most votes

Onix: Remember the Crystal Onix?

Glalie: Looks like Obsidian in some kind of rock, and an Ice type

Cloyster/Clampearl: Pearls, counted as a gem as well so don't get O_O

Regice: THE GOD OF ICE AND CRYSTAL, Deoxys has a rival

Dragonair: A Chinese Dragon, and most Chinese dragons wear round pearls


And guys use your flipping imagination for Geodude, I don't want posts like OMFGZ GEODUDE SUX LOLLOLOL cause no one ever broke a Geodude in half to check what's inside.

Oh and opinions about Suicune, Porygon and Jirachi are heard too but I can't add so many into the poll.

Any Ice Attack, Soul Dew and the Red and Blue Orb are Gems too.
Well Sableye because it has 2 diamonds and jewels on its body;302;

;003;dark Venusaur;003;

Valkyrie X

Well-Known Member
Regice, as it's totally composed of crystal. Well, ice actually, but hey, it's close enough. =/



Sea Ruby Trainer
Umm, you triple posted the same thread. So you should delete the other two, and too anwser your qustion, I think that Starmie is the most gem like Pokemon.


Well-Known Member
I'll go for Starmie. I feel gems have a mysterious quality and not that of this planet. Considering Starmie is aprently from a different planet, I'll go for Starmie.


No avatard plz
Sableye and Onix! Sableye Has dimond eyes and jems over its body. But once when I was about 8 I saw an epesode that had a dimond Onix.


Staryu and Starmie have a huge Gem on the front of their bodies. i wanted to vote for Dragonair cuz i like it the best but the Staryu fam. is the most gem looking i think

Evanji Axu

Sableye has those two gorgeous Zircons (They can't be aquamarine, it's a brighter color), Geodude could very well have a wealth of shiny quartz goodness inside though. However, Regice is definitely the most gem-like. It's like a biga*s thing made entirely of rock crystal(clear quartz). Hell, the word crystal comes from the Greek term for ice (the Greeks thought rock crystal was ice frozen too hard to ever melt).


I think so too. GO REGICE.


I reckon Dragonair because it's graceful with its jewel. I know, that makes no sense to anyone but me.
Regice! He just one BIG crystal! ;378;

And he looks much cooler than the rest of them. Tentacools are just water-born zubats - common and annoying as hell!


DEOXYS! XD powerful, elegant, and the crystal is sure amazing!
Sableye. It has gem eyes, gems on its back, and probably its teeth are made of gems even. :p
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