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Which pokemon would be good to keep as a pet?


Well-Known Member
Vulpix or what Drummerdude said. O AND WAILORD !!!


Get this THING off!!
I would say anything that isn't vicious.


Alea iacta est.
I'd like a pet Flareon, and it's funny because I was thinking about this the other day. Flareon would be nice and furry, warm, and quite the "watch animal", in terms of power and ability to fight off attackers.


Get this THING off!!
I'd like a pet Flareon, and it's funny because I was thinking about this the other day. Flareon would be nice and furry, warm, and quite the "watch animal", in terms of power and ability to fight off attackers.
It would also be quite dangerous too. Think about it. It would set the house on fire right away. Anyways, I would choose Ditto.
I'd pick an Umbreon or Treecko.


Eevee Trainer
I've always wanted an Eevee! Oh, and a Poochyena for a watchdog. A Skitty or Persian would be nice, and a Swellow for those people who like birds.
Let's see a cute Vulpix or a fluffy Ninetales
Or, a Manaphy ^_^

Or possibly a beautiful Latias ^_^


Well-Known Member
If pokemon were real, I guarantee you that the most popular pet pokemon would be as such:

Growlithe (no Arcanines, because fire stones are rare)
Skitty (Again, no Delcatty because moon stones are rare)
and Rattata.

Because they're all super-common, and kid-friendly.

Me? I'd want a Meeetttaagrroosssss <3333


Well-Known Member
growlith Eevee or skitty


Sneasel Fanboy
sneasel... you could use him to cut up ham!
or a dotaitos...... if you want big things
I have always seen Pokemon that are normal as pets. Such as, they don't have spikes or scaley skin, or any sort of feature to make them unable to come in the house!

Sparky:Electric Guardian

< Me and Pokedolls
I'd would like a Murkrow or a Lucario/Rioru.


Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Cherimu. I could take care of it.