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Which Pokemon...

Which Pokemon's IQ should I max out 1st?

  • Mew

    Votes: 13 52.0%
  • Jirachi

    Votes: 6 24.0%
  • Celebi

    Votes: 6 24.0%

  • Total voters


Which Pokemon's IQ should I max out 1st?
Mew Jirachi, or Celebi?


I know, but dual-type Pokemon gets more bonuses from Gummis(that's why I'm asking for opinion)


Well-Known Member
They love Gold Gummies!
You can also give Silver Gummies to Jirachi.
You can also give Grass Gummies to Celebi.

I think Jirachi is the cutest of all legendary Pokemon!


Well-Known Member
Get over with the long one 1st so Max Mew's IQ (My Ludicolo seemed to like every gummi i gave it especially Grass ones and it explosively grew about 5 times)


I wanted ketchup!!!
Definetly mew cause she rocks

king of blue

That's me!
Celibi, as it is the voice of the forest, and I love it.