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Which Region Had The Most Creative Pokemon?

Which Region Had The Most Creative Pokemon?

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Well-Known Member
Which region had the Most creative pokemon? I'd say Hoenn.

-Chimungus ;457;


Strawberry fields.
Personally, I'm still in awe of the Johto Pokémon. Many of the Pokémon were so creatively clever, and even though they weren't exactly a match for the first generation of Pokémon, I still think they're the most awe-inspiring.


There was so many creative Pokemon there. =P


Moose with the Pen
I think the Hoenn pokemon are very creative =D
Most of my favorites are from that region. I can't really see why anyone would be against them in anyway *shrugs*.

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
Johto for me! The starters pwn! I can't decide which to choose when I restart my game :D


Scyther FTW <3
Ehrm.. I'd say a tie between Johto and Hoenn for me. =)


Contaminated KFC
Houen wins this with ease. Just take a gander at your RSE 'dex.
The place was littered with bizzare creatures such as karate chickens, ninja raptors, organic windchimes, pipe-organ tyrants, insanely active sloths, soul-stealing husks of skin, scarecrow cacti, DANCING MEXICAN LILYPAD DUCKS, cyloptic reapers, the evil spawn of Zippy, springy swine and volcano humped camels. And the best part of it is that it only gets crazier from there.

Though having said that, every region had it slabs of creativity. Kanto had the likes of Electabuzz and Magmar on it's side, while Johto had cool critters such as Sudowoodo and Sneasel. And now we've got Shinou, with poison frogs high on their own toxins, and sea otters with floatation devices rigged to their bodies. Houen just happened to have more of 'em is all :p
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Korobooshi Kojiro

Anyone who says Kanto, dies. I don't care if you like 'em, but most creative is not a right descriptions.

Anyway, HOENN as well. However, 4th Generation Region is close second, (thanks to Orchestra Cricket!)


Well-Known Member
Shinou has creative pokes, but some of them like korotukku (sp?) look like they put too much effort into it and came out looking like this:



Kanto had the most creative ones.

What they're doing now and has done since Johto, is implementing the all the ideas that was scrapped through the alpha and beta stage of the first game. Remember that Satoshi Tajiri had almost 250 pokémon at the start, but had to limit them to 151. Not sure if the numbers are really exact.


Long time no see
Hoenn of course!!!!!!!!
johto....was..ok.....but ruby,sapphire and emerald were the best. i cant say about shinnou yet. I cant speak japanese yet so i have to wait until the english version comes out.....i will decide then!!!


Bikdip On A Bus
Kanto: Some are pretty good, but many are very boring. For example, Seel, Dugtrio, Magneton.

Johto: Very creative Pokémon with a few exceptions (like Yanma and Qwilfish, they're just not very interesting). Overall, my favorite gen.

Hoenn: Even more creative than Johto, for reasons listed in an earlier post. But for some reason, I don't like them as much as Johto. And a few are flat-out bizzare, like Tropius, Nosepass, and Luvdisc.

Shinou: Meh, I dunno. Lots of the Pokemon here are evolutions and prevos. And while I don't mind that, the majority of them are too similar to their previous forms. For example, look at Etebossu (Aipom) and Mojanbo (Tangela). Things like the Minomucchi line almost make up for this, but many of the others aren't too great anyway. And am I the only one that noticed how like 70% of the new pokemon are blue or purple? I don't know if that bothers anyone else, but I like a variety of color. And aside from a couple Grass types, there's almost no green.