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Which Scorpion do you like better

Which Scorpion

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Is it Dorapion, Glion, Gligar or Scorpi.

I love Gligar best! havent really seen Glion close up but its awsome too!


Strawberry fields.
I'd have to say Gligar. It's from the second generation, and we all know that the second generation had the best Pokémon.

Dark Espeon

Well-Known Member
I like Glion best. ^_^


Jedi Council Member
Gligar? Glion? Dorapion all the way!


Well-Known Member
I'd have to say Gligar. It's from the second generation, and we all know that the second generation had the best Pokémon.

not really... i'd say gligar, but dorapion comes in as a close second.


Hilo Thar!
such a tough choice!!!


Well-Known Member
My favorite scorpion pokemon is Gligar.It looks cool and has a unique trait combo.


Dorapion. Looks good, and Thunder, Fire and Ice Fang are going to be great for it.


Well-Known Member
Not like Glion cant learn them

Hooray for Gligar, almost makes me not want to evolve him
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