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Which Shinou teams do you like the most?

Which Team do you like the most?

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Who do you like?

I like Satoshi and Naetoru.


Well-Known Member
Shinji and hikozaru. ash is old. i don't like the girls in pokemon very much ( well, duh! i'm straight!) and its hikari! and well, its shinji! :p


Contaminated KFC
Ash bores me. Naetle bores me. So they're outta the picture.

I adore Pochama's entire personallity and odd mannerisms, as well as it's squabbling with other pokémon and it's trainer. However, I can't honestly say I like Hikari at all. She's not really done much to make me like her, and I feel that, for the moment at least, she's just there. So those two kinda missed the mark.

Shinji is a total badass who treats pretty much everyone like dirt, and is the first real rival in this show to have such an interesting personna. Hikozaru is awesome because it's a wacky chimp that gains sadistic enjoyment from pummling it's foes and because it has a flaming buttocks. It (currently) also has the most interesting movepool of the three starters
So Shinji and Hikozaru it is!


Ash fan girl! Cute!
Satoshi and Naetoru for me, I love there friendship its so cuteXD
After that its Hikari and Pochama.

Korobooshi Kojiro

Naetle is cool, but Ash is.....so-so....

Pochamma is cool, and Hikari is cool..................

Hikozaru is a monkey, and Shinji is not a monkey....

Masukippa is a psycho-Millenium wielding plant..while James is a loveable loser....

I pick Pochamma, but if Masukippa was here HE would win!


Hikari and Pocchama fo shizzle. they're the most orignial of the group, bickering like a married couple. XD But if James were on, him and Masukippa would take my vote. James has always been my favorite character, Meowth, too, but Masukippa r0xs! :D