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Which should i get?

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Neither version is better than the other. I suggest getting the version that has the most exclusive pokemon that you like. You can check the main site for the list of exclusives.


The hoopy frood
If you want personal preferences, you should go here: http://serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=28967

If you want to judge for yourself which one's better, the main site's FrLg page is always good:http://serebii.net/red_green/

I have both versions, and I don't prefer one over the other (but Fr is tilted slightly more in my favour for the inclusion of growlithe). I suggest you make a personal decision on it, because your preferences are probably not exactly the same as the others on here.
take LG cuz you can always get skarmory in R/S/E but you cant sneasel

same with slowpoke you can always get psyduck in R/S/E


Good Night!
get firered if you have colosseum cuz you can get almost every pokemon (kanto and johto) except a few.


You can always just get both versions.

Don't listen to people who mention Deoxys, because you'll never get one unless you know some one who already does.

blaze boy

Aka SamuraiDon
get leaf green if you have colo and XD because that is the only way to get slowpoke.

If not then flip a coin.


you amaze me.
It all depends on what pokemon you would like to catch...in FireRed you can catch Growlithe..which you can't in Leaf Green..and there are more but that was just an example..other than that there are no other differences...
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