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which starter is better?

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<--Mewtwo Rockz!
I'm starting a new game in crystal..
Which starter do you guys think i should choose???;295;
All depends on skill level. Cyndaquil gives the easiest game, while totodile is for intermediate players. Chickorita is for experts, as s/he is the hardest to work with. but if its just for fun... choose your fave!


I'm Back


Natsu no Maboroshi
Cyndaquil, if you want a sweeper, Chikorita is you want a decent tank, or Totodile if you want to lose your time.


Well-Known Member
I go with Totodile 99 percent of the time. Totodile is my favorite Pokemon. But that has nothing to do with the gameplay or anything.
I went with cyndaquil..its very strong! i suggest cynadaquil cause typhlosion is a sweeper..but chikorita is a good choice too(make sure you go with a girl chikorita :D) but i hate totodile

Chaos Emperor

No hope.....
Cyndaquil is best. Chikorita is weak against the first gym, and water pokemon like Tododile are a dime a dozen. Cyndaquil is strong against the second gym, and fire pokemon are uncommon, so Cyndaquil is the best.
Cyndaquil. It can learn Electric attacks. Your Rival chooses Totodile if you choose Cyndaquil, and:

Electric Attack = Destruction of Totodile/Croconaw/Feraligatr.
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