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which starter would you have if you could have any pkmn(except legendarys)


Well-Known Member
okay yeah so like it says pretend you're starting out on your pokemon journey but you could have any basic pokemon (ex:mukkuru not,muukuhawk) although no legendarys.

i'm not really surewhich one i'd want i'll get back to you guys on that.


Well-Known Member
Keikou, its an adorable fishie pokemon that evolves into my bishie, neorantu!

The Wobbuffet

Broken Type Pokemon

I used to consider cheating to actually have a different pokemon as a starter, because I think it would be fun.
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Power of the mind
Umm Jigglypuff, Beldum, Growlithe, Misdrevaus or Magnemite.


Munchlax, Pichu & Tyrouge


These are real fears
An Eevee or a Poochyena, probably. ^^ Because I love Umbreon, Vaporeon and Pooch... so. And Dragonair too, but I can't see myself with a Dratini at the very beginning. (;