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Which type reflects you the most ?


water and bug, i dont know y...

The Benmeister

Master of Magnet
Grass, because I have a large bulb on my back and can, on occasion, shoot vines out from my shoulders. It's scary and cool at the same time.


Well-Known Member
bug. i took a quiz and it always says i'm bug and water cause i'm calm.


Well-Known Member
I've done quizzes, and have ben told that I am a Water/Psychic/Ice type. BUt I would describe myself as Water, Psycic, or Fire. I am very fluid, physicaly, like water, I sometimes feel psychic because I have a strange ability to predict what people are about to say, and I have a VERY short temper.


No, seriously...
I would have to say Water. I'm a very quiet person and very calm. I rarely get made anything. Although there are a few things that can set me off. ^_^


Well-Known Member
ehh... can someone post a quiz where we go to find out...
I took the personality quiz and it told me I was a tyranitar and a slowpoke..
so dark, rock, water, and psychic...
Fierce, strong, easy going, and smart :\.. thats how I interpret it.


Sign the DM Petition
Water, here because I was born in the month of Cancer, smooth through and Dark because I'm evil-like, and one more for the road, Ghost, I'm crazy!

latino heat

Mexican pride
always cold hearted