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Which Tyranitar


So I'd like to hear your opinion... which tyranitar would be better in battle frontier with this team...

1# Tyranitar @?
-Rock Slide
-Dragon Dance
-Ice Beam/Aerial Ace/Focus Punch

2# Tyranitar @?
-Focus Punch

Starmie @Shell Bell
-Ice Beam

Registeel @Leftovers
-Rock Slide
-Rest/Ice Punch


Well-Known Member
So I'd like to hear your opinion... which tyranitar would be better in battle frontier with this team...

Tyranita@Lum Berry
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpAtk)
-Rock Slide
-Dragon Dance
-Aerial Ace

Starmie @Shell Bell
Modest Nature (+SpAtk, -Atk)
-Ice Beam
-Thunder bolt

Registeel @Leftovers
Adament Nature (+Atk, -SpAtk)
-Rock Slide

Dragon Dancing one is better.
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If you change something in a quote, you should actually Bold or highlight any changes you make. Otherwise, people would think you didn’t change anything at all.




Of course I do. I don’t quote things in my team rates since the italics make it harder to read.


christian 4ever
adament tyranitar........great attacking pokemon