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Which Wurmple Is Which? (297)


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Which Wurmple Is Which?!

After losing to Brawly, the Dewford Gym Leader, Ash intends to do some hard training so he can battle once again. However in fending off a Team Rocket attack, May & Jessie accidently switch their Wurmple's. Can May get her Wurmple Back?

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I thought this episode was good. May caring for her Wurmple was great, and the part where Jessie and May were telling lies on how their Wurmples were better was hilarious!!! I also liked the scene where Jessie 'relived' her encounter with Wurmple; it was hilarious!!

Overall rating:
8.5 out of 10!!
Another great filler, and I enjoyed watching it.
EDIT: I'm a Dynamo Trainer!!! Take THAT Wattson!!! Off to Flannery, then, where I shall earn my Heat Badge!!
Last edited:


Another amusing episode. The arguement between May and Jessie was funny, and their fishing event was cool too. Wurmple's voice is cute.

Overall, 8/10.

Factory Head Noland

I liked this episode aswell, it was very funny when Jessie was saying how her and her Wurmple met lol.


I really like how Ash used Pikachu, Taillow and Treecko to beat Seviper and Cacnea at the end, he seemed very angry... also with the three pokemon working together looked like teamwork... I'm all for teamwork!

Angry Ash is funny! :)

Shiny May

I like the competition between Jessie and May
I'm also proud of May how she knew that the Wurmple wasn't hers and Jessie had no idea that it wasn't hers, but James and Meowth did

A good ep


I loved the two Wurmples, and I loved how May could tell them apart. This was a very good episode for Wurmple lovers like me. :D I love Beautifly, and I like Dustox, but I always like to see the episodes when they were just little Wurmples. :D


Team Awesome
It's interesting to see the progress May has made in this episode, as she's able to tell pretty quickly that the wurmple isn't hers. I also like Jessie's fantasy sequence that gives a completely wrong version of how she got her wurmple. :D


you can really tell which wurmple is which cause May's wurmple eats alot and Jesse's doesn't.


The magic of Pokemon
This episode started off interesting...but May and Jessie arguing got annoying after a while--to the point where I decided 65 more channels to go... and changed the channel


Grass Freak
This ep is very cool. I like the Wurmples with their happy faces.


Well-Known Member
an ok epi. The plot was good but it didnt really appeal to me


Well-Known Member
Not exactly the greatest episode,but still good.Jessie and May did get annoying,and it made no sense that Max could figure out the Wurmple were exactly the same.Still,good.


extra toasty
This EP was an excellent filler. I love any moment in the pokemon EPs where two people fight, 'cause they're always sooo funny.


legendary trainer
of course will het may back her wurmple and i like if jessie is raging about that her wurmple is a dustox not a beutifly(sorry can´t spell this name);146;


Well-Known Member
Good episode coming off Ashes lose at the Dewford Gym so now we get into the training arc until Ash decides to rechallenge Brawly. Interesting that the random spot James pointed out for fishing in order to capture the gangs Pokemon turned out to be such a good spot for catching Water Pokemon. Nice foreshadowing with Ash catching a Corphish one the line to his next caught Pokemon. Very funny watching May a Jessie argue over which of their Wurmple are better I got a huge laugh out of that and all the Water Pokemon attacking Max. Very nice to see May mature more as a trainer in this epsiode by telling instantly that the Wurmple she grabbed wasn't hers.