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Which Wurmple Is Which? (297)


Well-Known Member
Its funny how the mix up was between the wurmples...
they are so cute


Grass Pokemon Expert
I thought it was neat to see Ash, Brock, Max, and May all fishing. I thought that the Corphish that Ash caught with his fishing pole was really strong. Luckily Team Rocket's plan didn't work. It was funny to see May and Jessie argue about who has the best Wurmple. It was too bad that they got mixed up. I would have been really scared if I was May. Taillow did a good job of finding them and luckily May got her Wurmple back. I agree with what Max said about May. She realy is getting a lot better with pokemon.


It was very funny how they mix with the wurmples.... and even more when they traded back but TR stole May's Wurmple.
Also, i loved to see an Octillery in this episode.


Let's go to the beach, each.
I'm glad Jessie and May got some much needed character development this early in Hoenn.

The whole Wurmple mix-up was funny in a cute way. I like how Jessie claimed that "my Wurmple is going to nightschool to get it's PHD!". Best quote by Jessie ever.

I loved that the mix-up was resolved. 8/10
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Well-Known Member
One of my favorite episodes. Wurmple are so cute, and it was nice to see May and Jessie get some screentime and character development cause I love them both!


Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
Good episode and funny too. Everyone was like "Uh... What" when Jessie and May were fighting over who's Wurmple was the better one. It's interesting thought when TR had been blasted off the second time Jessie and May knew exactly which Wurmple was which since they were mixed up there too.


Man of Mystery
Hahaha I thought the argument over the Wurmple between May and Jessie was so funny, they're both hotheads. I thought May showed some real growth by noticing that Jessie's Wurmple wasn't hers, it shows that she's caring more for her pokemon now. Good episode.


Shiny Flygon
Another cool episode. I always love those replacing pokemon.... It always getting even better, this time with wurmple:)


No longer posting
This episode was ok... It was funny watching Jessie and May argue over which Wurmple was better. It was cool watching May take care of her Wurmple. The battle between TR and the gang was a really cool battle.



Well-Known Member
This eepisode was very enjoyable to watch. It was funny when Jessie and May were arguing about who's Wurmple was better. I was really glad that they both got sone much needed character development. This episode showed that May is getting better at taking care if her Pokémon.


It took half of the episode for the Wurmple to actually get switched with one another. I don't remember id that Corphish (or however you spell it) is the same one that ash will catch later or not. I wasn't very interested in this episode because, well, I don't really care about Wurmple. I would've much preferred a fishing episode since I found that more interesting than the inevitable conflict between Ash & co. against Team Rocket.
The episode guide in this topic refers to the previous episode, not this one...

Anyways, early in the episode, Wurmple ate and slept as always, which is cute and funny. And the Octillery on Max's head when fishing was fun! And Meowth had an awesome Boss Fantasy again! 7/10.


Well-Known Member
This episode was mediocre in a way. I did like how both Jessie and May are (almost for May) obsessed with their Wurmple's. It was nice to see some differences between the two and I also loved the part with that fishing. Mediocre, but it had some good parts in it.
Even though they look exactly the same, it's neat how May and Jessie can tell their Wurmple's apart. :)

Mega Altaria

☆~Shiny hunter▢~
Totally loved this episode. May and Jessie bickering was really funny though. Switching the Wurmples were really nice, too, and how they could tell theirs apart.

Mrs. Oreo

The Wurmple mix up was bound to occur at some point I guess and I liked seeing May and Jessie on each others' nerves. May trying to get an Octillery was cool however. I wish she had succeeded.