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Which Wurmple Is Which? (297)


I thought that May and Jessie trying to argue about which of their Wurmple was better was annoying since they were essentially the same. 5/10


Well-Known Member
I remember liking this episode a lot back in the day and it kinda aged well.
I like May's Wurmple's gluttony. The animation suits the idea too.
AGs fillers hadn't been good so far imo but this one was enjoyable. 8.5/10


Pokémon Blue
I thought that May and Jessie trying to argue about which of their Wurmple was better was annoying since they were essentially the same. 5/10

Yes, because every being is a carbon copy of each other with no skills or capabilities that distinguish one from another... Not to mention the game's mechanics regarding a Pokémon but that's highly ignored in the animé so no need to go there.


I thought this filler was pretty good. I loved the part when Satoshi and the others were all fishing, and it was funny when Haruka hooked Okutank and it went on Masato's head. Oh, and it was really cool when Satoshi got a Heigani on his line too. I wanted him to catch it, but oh well. Anyway, I loved it when Haruka and Musashi began arguing about their Kemusso and which one was superior.


Well-Known Member
This was a really good episode that proves that Pokemon can still be good after the Johto Saga.

The Wurmple's are really cute and it's good that they both got their own back.

Ash ended up training his Pokemon against TR so it worked out well for him haha


Meowth fanatic
So here began the training arc for Ash's rematch with Brawly. It was funny watching May and Jessie argue over which of their Wurmple was better. I got a huge laugh out of that and all the Water Pokemon attacking Max.


Ash ended up training his Pokemon against TR so it worked out well for him haha

Even though the Rocket-dan's presence in this episode did sort of help Satoshi train his Pokemon, the same can be said about practically every episode since he always defeats them. The Rocket-dan's Pokemon are weak anyway, so I often wonder if Satoshi's Pokemon even benefit from beating them.
Hey, what happened to Rodger Parsons? I know he comes back after about 120 episodes but this new guy doesn't feel the same.
"My Wurmple got a PhD at night school" LMAO