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who beat elite four over 50 times

deadly devon

Sea Ruby Trainer
how many people beat elite four over 50 times


Well-Known Member
In Leaf green I have beaten it over 300 times.
Exp share raising pokemon to lvl 80 :)

Yami ookami

Well-Known Member
On pokemon LG I beat the elite4 60 some-times
Sapphire- Way too many count
FireRed- 100, something like that
Emerald- Recently got it, so about 25
Gold-Around 400 ^^


um, and stuff
Old Sapphire-I dunno i'd say about 105 times
FR-3 times
Ruby-Working my way up as I type
Silver-123 times or something like that
Crystal-10 times or 40 depnds on which cartridge


Well-Known Member
Way more then 50 on my Emerald. Cant remember. Somewhere in the hundreds


YOUR best friend
999+ times on my Ruby, which makes it too high to count. LITERALLY. :O Not sure if I should be proud or ashamed.


Furret rocks
I've done them in each game, several hundred times.


Well-Known Member
i have did it about 100 times on my Ruby.


Furret rocks
I've just checked my Emerald, and it comes to a total of 745 times.
For the others, they're around 400 times each...

I have no social life, I admit...


The new tuxedo look!
My sapphire: 632 times
My emerald: 69 times (ahhhh, cloning rare candies is much easier...)
My ruby: 83 times (never play it much..)