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Who do you want to come back?

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
The closest thing to this thread is the Recurring Character thread.

Anyway, who are the characters that you'd like to see appear on at least one more episode again? They can be any characters that haven't gotten together with Ash in more than one episode. Here's a list of characters that I'd like to see Ash and co. meet up with again:

Tomo/Tommy and his family

The Magikarp Salesman
Saundra and her mom Savanna

(The bold ones are people who haven't met Ash again ever since their first debut.)


So hot he's on fire.

Do I get a cookie for being Captain Obvious now?

I don't care if had six episodes, dammit. More Todd. <3

Hyper Chibi Absol

The Dark Goddess

'nuff said... The boys are hot and Winona is cool. :)


Custom User Title
Basically anyone from Kanto since, oh I dunno... the battle fronteir friggin takes place there. --;

And Hazuki. :p


blows stuff uhup
Robert, plz! OK, he's pretty much a given to pop up again some time, but I might as well mention him anyway. Because he's awesome. <3

Giselle reappearing would be great, too, especially if she's still a snooty b*tch. I wonder how she and May would get along? And Ash going gaga over her again would be a sight worth seeing.


Robert dammit! How can he win so much with only like, five minutes of total screen time? >.< At least there's a good chance he'll be back... Hopefully with Harley! </yaoi-fangirlism>

Actually, any coordinator would be welcomed... Toshiki, Kimimaro, Tsukiko, and Kanata especially. <3 I'd like Imite to show up again, even though she's been in two non-consecutive episodes... And the Orange Island gym leaders. Atsumi especially. <3

...Can pokemon count? Jupetta-chan and Ariados-chan please~! Hear that Harley? You gotta use at least one of them in the next contest you pop up in... >.<


Storm Trainer
The kid with the thunderbolting Persian.
And Todd, not because I think he is hot, but because I always thought he was awsomely cool. He needs a comeback.

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
Much in the same vein as Heracross, I'd like to see a few return appearances from some of the great Kanto one-shots. I mean, the show's back in the region now, shouldn't at least one familiar face turn up? Akira and his Sand on their journey, Masaki shut up in his lighthouse, Yuki and the other breeders of Scissor Street, Fuuko and Dorio at that ranch outside the Safari Land...the possibilities are endless. Plus, you'd think they'd at least go back to a few big cities that they rushed through and explore them more thoroughly (Tamamushi City, I'm looking in your general direction...).



...Captain Obvious has spoken!

But also:

Sylvester (A Farfetch'd Tale)
Timmy (Disaster in Disguise)

...There's probably more...

Lovely May


Giselle (she is my fav)
Kenta & Marina


I want Professor Westwood to return... that man was a riot...

maybe also Old Man Shuckle from "A Better Pill to Swallow" or maybe even Dr. Quackenpoker...

any elderly character really...


Charming Ghostess
EvilKeckleon said:
I want Professor Westwood to return... that man was a riot...

I agree, I think that good ol' Westwood's got some more great comedy left for us.


More Magikarp Salesman! That guy is a riot. Never get bored of that sketch. And the Battling Eevee Brothers I wouldn't mind seeing again (Perhaps with Sakura in the same episode for an added twist.)


Super Coordinator
I wouldn't mind Kelly getting another episode or two >.>

Or maybe Giselle...cause it'd be nice to see some characters from the old Kanto series that we DON'T see over and over and over and over again...

*goes to sit in her corner with a little whisp of steam above her head*


I own the 5th gen
I'm also gonna hop on the Kantou one-shot bandwagon, considering they're back there now, and some of Satoshi's earliest rivalries seem the most worthy of mention. Namely Akira and Seiyo, and all the gym leaders that seemed interesting but never really got much characterization, like Kyou (especially Kyou) and Machisu. I thought Lily was an interesting character, especially as far as Jouto one-shots go, and really wouldn't mind Satoshi-tachi running into her again. Oh yeah, and let me say that if Aya ends up returning a third time, yet there's still no hide nor hair of Anzu, I'm gonna be royally p***ed.

It would be nice if they made some of Satoshi's past league opponents end up being more major players as well, especially Kaede (whom was a very interesting character, being such a competant rival and all, yet we never got to know her outside of battle). Instead, what do they do? They go and make some poor imitation of Satoshi, Hiroshi, a recurring character. Meanwhile, his main opponents from later leagues, Hadzuki (whom really could use some more characterization, cause at the moment, he just looks like some excuse to show off the at-the-time upcoming third generation), Tetsuya, Masamune, as well as all the lesser league opponents (the afforementioned Kaede, and even Jun'ichi despite his earlier role in the Crystal special, and I'm sure I speak for Alfonso when I say "Juggler Korm"), will probably never be heard from again. Even Shigeru's been supposedly ditched entirely (though, I was surprised that he managed to return for a Housou). Speaking of Jun'ichi and the Crystal special, it's a real shame that there's no sign that Kenta-tachi will show up again anytime soon. But what's most disappointing is that Bashou, Buson, and Shiranui-hakase will probably never return, since as far as Rocket Dan members went, they definitely seemed the best, and how often does this series have a villian that seems like an actual threat? Outside of movies, anyway.
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Tropical Spirit

YAY! Original>You =3


Seriously, I need the minamoshipping love. D: Other than that, she was an awesome character alone.
I also want Giselle. :x For some reason.
And Todd.
And Robert.
And Sakura.
And Tracey if he counts. :x
And pretty much every hot minor character ever appeared. :D


Contaminated KFC
Temacu. And thats not even down to bias. She was a really interesting character, with one of the better designs in the show. If you ask me, it seems a shame that she's destined to remain buried in a pile of forgotten random characters. They really could have taken her relationship with Brock further, and would have had an amusing recurring character on their hands. Blah.
Chigusa too~ I want to see how her battling style has developed, and how she's handled the pressure of being in charge of her grandfather's Dojo.

I wouldn't mind seeing some of the Magma and Aqua team members appearing in the future. Granted, we would no longer be able to see them as formidable villians due to the disbanding of each group, but it would be interesting to see what happened to some of the more important members, such as the 2 field commanders, and of course the leaders. How have they adapted to life now that their main goals have been eradicated, and what are their plans for the future?

Also, I agree with having some of the the strangely eccentric elderly characters making a return at some point, and that includes the likes of the Magikarp Salesman, Sulivan, Cleavon Speilbunk (oy, what a name..), Gligarman, Old Man Shuckle and Earl, the pokémon school principal. As well as the younger ones such as Grace (c'mon, she was hillarious), Seymour the scientist, Lily (the Pokémon witch from 'Hocus Pokémon') or the monsterous teacher from the kids day ep....and I guess to a certain extent, Mizuho.

I also want to see Masato's clone again :p He got screwed over with that rather boring Surskit episode.

All the others I'd like to make a comeback have already been mentioned by now~