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Who do you wish was Pokemon's mascot?


Everyone here knows Pikachu is Pokemon's mascot, but who do you wish was the mascot? I wish Charmander was. Ash should have got one instead of a Pikachu.


ooo, what's cooking?
every generation should have it's own
1st shuld be Mew
2nd should Ho-oh
3rd should be deoxys
4th should be Lucario

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!

You know that they originally thought of making clefairy ash's main pokemon?

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
Teddiursa. Not only is it my favourite, but it also has all the nessecary requirements for a mascot. Cute, simplistic, memorable, appeals to the franchise's target-audience...


Venusaur The Best
Bulbasaur (I would say venusaur but it wouldn't be practical) because it is small, cute, one of the starters, no.001 in the pokedex everyone loves it and grass pokemon are in the shadows of other types. also there need to be more grass legendarys.


Cherimu. Its small, very very cute, creative, and waaaaaaaaay better than pikachu.


Everyone here knows Pikachu is Pokemon's mascot, but who do you wish was the mascot? I wish Charmander was. Ash should have got one instead of a Pikachu.
Ash shouldn't have got any pokemon. he and his stupid show shouldn't exist and give pokemon a bad name. All pokemon should be equal instead of one cutesy mascot that people use to make fun of pokemon lovers.


Monkey Master
Aipom! Eve though Lombre is my favorite i don't think it'S good as a mascot!!! And aipom... Cuz i love it and cuz i'm the owner of it'S fanclub


Furret rocks
My personal favourite, so I'm biased....
