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Who else thinks MD was A rip-off and Over-ratted?

Well, I hated MD at Zapdos.... I thought is was over ratted. then, and Articuno I thought it was a BIG rip-off.

Anyway, I pefer ranger.
Rip-off? Rip-off of what? There is no other Pokemon game like Mystery Dungeon.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad I got PMD, i'd basically completed my pokedex national on Leafgreen, even with the special data...i'd have gotten bored of the game if I didn't get PMD...besides, it allows you to play all 386 pokes, all in one game, something i've never had a chance to see/do.
Well, To ME it was. also, it's exacatly the same as Chcobo's dungeon after reading about it.
I've never played Chocobo's Dungeon. It's a wonder I didn't. I used to be such a Final Fantasy nut, but now I hate the games. They're way too over-rated.

I guess PMD was really new to me, because it was the first Mystery Dungeon game I've ever played. I really loved the story and the characters, and I thought it was very original. Maybe it's not for the Mystery Dungeon series, but it is for Pokemon.
Yeah, It was interesting but when I found out about Chocobo's dungeon Yestersday, it got Even more boring. also it did'nt have a good story line to me.

P.S. MD is the same as chocobo's dungeon EXCEPT it uses pokemon items and chareters.


The Flygon fanatic
Yeah, It was interesting but when I found out about Chocobo's dungeon Yestersday, it got Even more boring. also it did'nt have a good story line to me.

P.S. MD is the same as chocobo's dungeon EXCEPT it uses pokemon items and chareters.

Who cares, you seem like the "person" thats overrated.


Well-Known Member
Well, think of it this way. There have been many dungeon crawlers like this, and the only difference they all have is the characters and items. Many many random dungeons. Maybe Random dungeons aren't your bag. I like them because I tend to memories and dig in and trap up enemies if I learn the dungeons, so this is good...it keeps things fresh as I pwn things.

Also, just change your leader if your party. It changes everything. New strategy, tactics, and...everything. XD

You can play well over 10,000 different party combinations and dungeon choices with different moves. I just clocked 100 hours, and im getting my moneys worth.

Sir Devious

Sir Devious
I like the game, it's a fun challenge to try to requit all the Pokemon, and will keep my busy, along with Ranger, until Diamond. :)


Well-Known Member
Meh i think Ranger will be way better. I got Dungeon to tide me over till Ranger


Normal Coordinator
This isn't original? so it has been done before, you like pokemon, right? The pokemon formula has been done more than the "ash makes new friend at end tornement and loses to them" formula. But people still play those games. Just because somthing is not original does not mean it cannot be fun. Take serebiiforums. There have been tons other pokemon forums, that does not subtract from this ones glory (unless you count members of other ones)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, It was interesting but when I found out about Chocobo's dungeon Yestersday, it got Even more boring. also it did'nt have a good story line to me.

P.S. MD is the same as chocobo's dungeon EXCEPT it uses pokemon items and chareters.

Yes but it's better than the original improved. If you like pokemon games then it should keep you busy for a time.

Altaria Lover

Boulder Trainer
Well, I hated MD at Zapdos.... I thought is was over ratted. then, and Articuno I thought it was a BIG rip-off.

Anyway, I pefer ranger.

XD-ish example of a person who doesn't know how to spell over-rated.

No, now that Ranger doesn't even have the Manaphy mission without a Ninty event, Ranger has nothing of any worth in it.

~Altaria Lover

Omega Pirate

shove it up ya bum!
What you don't realise is that Chocobos Dungeon is 'ripped off' another game called Mysterious Dungeon with all original characters. Chocobos Dungeon and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon are made by the same company, they're meant to be similiar. Nintendo was just jumping on the Mysterious Dungeon bandwagon.

Get over it.


Well-Known Member
I like Mystery Dungeon a lot better than Ranger


fredfredburger yes!
have you even beat the whole game yet? if you didn't you shouldn't just decide at zap or articuno it was pretty fun at those times. i liked the story mode. try playing the entire game if you didn't.
It's not as if everyone has played Chocobo's dungeon D:

I've never played a Mysterious Dungeon gameexcept for PMD .You can play as any of the 386 pokemon.You can play as your favorite Pokemon.
The dungeons are random, so you can never predict what's going to happen.
It's actually a lot of fun and long with 48(I think) dungeons.Not to mention the connectivity between players around the world.

The main games are repetitives of each other, the only main difference being that there are different pokemon each region, yet we still play them.


Glitch Hunting Freak
I like it! It's a great change to the normal pokemon games. Instead of walking around challenging the same person over and over until you know what stats their pokemon have, you go into dungeons and battle bosses. Besides wasn't chocobo's adventure a "rip-off" that is "over-rated" from the origanal mystery dungeon?