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Who had the bright idea of hyper Mode (Colloseum)


You will be missed:(
it basically wastes 2 turns (one for it to go into hyper mode, cancelling whatever attack you called. The second to call it out of Hyper mode). It is the most annoying thing when it comes to puifying pokemon in Colloseum




Thunder Gym Leader
It also increases your attack.


Kyogre Trainer
Actually it increases Critical hit ratio... a lot better than reverse mode if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
Sure it wastes turns, but if your goal is to purify then you want it to happen and as often as possible. each time you call it out it starts to et better. Not annoying at all. in fact i'd say rathur useful


You kidding me? Hyper Mode is the fastest way of purification. Besides, if your other Pokemon is strong enough, it should make up for the waste of turn. Or it does for me, at least, but that's because I have a slower, different purification method.

If anything's annoying, it's when your Shadow Pokemon has a nature that makes it go into Hyper Mode less. I had a Delibird, Smeargle, Ledian, among others like that, and purifiying them was the hardest thing ever.


I don't understand what you don't like about it. If my pokemon's purple bar line only drained wile walking and stuff, that would be stupid, and i don't think i would own the game if so


it's part of the plot.. do you expect Shadow Pokemon to behave exactly like normal Pokemon without any difference at all?


You will be missed:(
I guess I got upset, since you sometimes have to fight a Snagem member at the same spot where I already fought one when I'm trying to save or restock on healing items.