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who has better openings? US/UK or Japan?

which is better?

  • US

    Votes: 5 10.9%
  • Japan

    Votes: 35 76.1%
  • both

    Votes: 6 13.0%

  • Total voters

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member


Which one on this here page is the japanese one?

EDIT: Oh wow, the Japanese one almost had me crying, dont ask why, maybe its the fact that the music was so great, hows the English one compared to that then Less seee ^^
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♥Princess Ketchum♥

#1 Ash Satoshi Lover
I love all of them XD,But i love Advance battle its awsome


Waaa, Wheres the save button :mad:
On a side note
Can we save them :redface:

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
I guess you will have to ask the owner of the site.... filb.de I think or you can do something illegal and get spanked by the police

did you notice the english lyrics in the BF opening?

I do love the battle frontier opening!


I still havent watched the English im, saving it for next week, when it airs, im still crying over the Japanese version

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
I still love the BF opening!

It so rules!

now if only I could get hold of episodes.................
I've already seen the BF Japanese opening, its quite spiffy ^^ But the advance abttle opening it way to catchy! I love it *plays it again*

But they both have good ones, I mean the US/UK had Advance Challenge, Advance, Pokemon Master Quest and some others I loved. While some of the japanese ones are pretty catchy too.


Well-Known Member
I prefer japanese. Better songs, and they don't have a group of people who mess it up bad time *cough4kidscough*. 4Kids wrecked the first theme tune a bit.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
after watching a full japanese episdoe I have come to the conclusion

I want to learn japanese......


I would say the Japanese version. I love the battle frontier opening!


Custom User Title
I prefer the Japanese openings, naturally. The first, third and fourth dub openings were alright, but the rest annoy me. The originals are longer, they flow better, and the music is more thought out.

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
What Heracross said. The Japanese openings are much more thorough, more creative, have better music, and feature much higher quality animation. 4Kids, in their desperate attempt to squeeze a minute and thirty seconds of opening sequence down to a mere thirty-five seconds will often run certain scenes at twice their normal speed. The worst offender in this area is likely the American version of "The Challenger!" used in Season 7 - Pikachu shocking Hariteyama, the sweeping shot of the main group on the hill, Oosubame flying in front of the camera, Musashi-tachi and Sonansu flying upscreen, and Masato tugging on Takeshi's ears are all sped up to an almost obscene rate. It's much more comfortable to watch these scenes at the rate of 24 frames per second like they're supposed to be.

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
I wish they would use the original opening (music and all). Many anime use the untranslated openings. Though 4Kids would have to admit that OMMFG, this was made in Japan. They should have fired the pin head who decided to localize animes.


Battle Factory Champion

There are some cracker Japanese openings like the first third and fourth ones but I find them uninteresting after that, Battle Frontier ones alright I guess.

I've liked virtually all the American openings, bar the chronicles one really.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
The Big Al said:
I wish they would use the original opening (music and all). Many anime use the untranslated openings. Though 4Kids would have to admit that OMMFG, this was made in Japan. They should have fired the pin head who decided to localize animes.

they should just keep them untranslated, like Outlaw star, for the first few eps they had subtitles

Lime dragonalk7

I kinda like the japan openings better than the US ones.

Mizu Kasumi

The Mist
Hmmm... Probably both because I love Japanese songs and English songs. But I can't exactly decide...


Izit cuz I is black?
I'm unsure really. For some reason, seeing the same 90-second opening at the start of every episode would get a bit tedious. The shorter ones we get get old real quick, but these ones are even longer and the songs definitely wear off. Just my opinion.

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
The Big Al said:
I wish they would use the original opening (music and all). Many anime use the untranslated openings.

Yeah, like BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBo.

I like all the Japanese openings better than the dub ones, sort of. My favorite Japanese one is Challenger, but I don't really like the Symphonic Medley. The dub Advanced theme songs are pretty good though, and I prefer the Advanced Battle Song over the PSM. I assume the Battle Fronteir song is good, but I can't really say that for myself because I've never heard it...