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Who has Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, or Deoxys...or all of them?

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Well-Known Member
I was just wondering if anyone else has Mew, Celebi, Jirachi or Deoxys, or all of them. What level are they? What moves do they know? Are they shiny?

-mewfan ;151;

PS. I have all of them :)

;151;- Level 100
-Naughty Nature
;251;- Level 100
-Relaxed Nature
-Giga Drain
;385;- Level 100
-Timid Nature
-Doom Desire
;386;- Level 49
-Impish Nature
-Psycho Boost
-Hyper Beam

Expert Evan

Old Fogey
Here were my last 4 as acquired:

1. lugia - snagged in XD
2. celebi - acquired at JAA
3. deoxys - acquired through trading, originally caught on birth island
4. mew - acquired at Toys R Us for magikarp

So yes I have all 386.


Well-Known Member
1.Deoxys (trade today with a Friend)
2.Jirachi (from Pokemon Channel)
i also have Ho-oh and Lugia from the 10th anniversary.
i don't have Mew or Celebi :(


Powerplay Champion
Just missing deoxys...if anyone wants to trade me a real one when dp comes out... lemme know,
i got every other legendary:)


None of them.:(
I'm not allowed to get Channel, and when I hired it I didn't have a link cable. The others, I don't live anywhere near any events, so I can't get them.
Hopefully some nice cloners'll be willing to give some away over WiFi soon.

Expert Evan

Old Fogey
I recently sold 2 memory cards on ebay for pokemon box which did contain at least a mew, celebi & jirachi. First one sold for $50, 2nd for $30. I stopped doing it since my last auction was a bust as the winning bidder from Australia only had a PAL version. Interesting that both memory cards I sold were shipped to 2 separate people in Las Vegas and both seemed very satisfied, so end of story there.


Well-Known Member
My mew is not an Hm slave anymore. I made it forget Fly and Surf and I am going to teach it some good moves. :) ;151;


You will be missed:(
I have Mew. Missed JAA, wasn't able to get Deoxys, No Colo bonus disk or Ruby/Sapphire. Haven't finished Colosseum or XD yet.


PokeTrainer Miki
I have jirachi only, but i can get as many as i want since i have pokemon channel.
l have celebii and modest Kyogre and Jolly Groudon and my Celebii is bold .


from heaven to glory
well i have a mew only......
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