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Who here plays pokemon in secrecy?


Well-Known Member
I do but its kinda a bummer sometimes. i know one frined though who plays a lil and hes the only person who i've told that i like pokemon but we dont trade and stuff often. since im like cool/little bit with populars i dont tell anyone cause then i'd immediately lose reputation so wat about u guys?


Still Dirrty
im popular and kinda preppy i will lose my rep. if any one finds out if they did i would have to kill them
Meh. I could care less. :/ The subject doesn't always come up, though.

And no, I don't play in secrecy. Even though my friends don't like Pokemon, I sometimes talk about it openly. :p

...Pokemon Emerald always gets in the way of my homework. :( lol

And I have a tendency to doodle on my assignments. XD ...so little pictures of Pokemon sometimes randomly show up. :p (like I drew a crappy Tyranitar on my chemistry worksheet this one time... XD)

Actually, now that I think of it, a lot of people know I like Pokemon. o.o;


Well-Known Member
No, I don't tell anybody that I am still playing pokemon (accept for 3 of my friends). I would talk about it openly if I would be like in 4th grade, but since I'm in 10th...


Active Member
Not another one of these posts>_<

I do but its kinda a bummer sometimes. i know one frined though who plays a lil and hes the only person who i've told that i like pokemon but we dont trade and stuff often. since im like cool/little bit with populars i dont tell anyone cause then i'd immediately lose reputation so wat about u guys?

You mean to tell me that you actually care about popularity?Many people have learned the bad way that popularity is a thing that will sink you for good.
Besides you want friends who like you for who you are? or for what you like????


Well-Known Member
I never play at school, but anywhere else is fine. Although, I never bring anything electronic to school since a ton of people steal expensive things from other people -.-


Sometimes a bit rude
Well, up until about two and a half months ago, I would never, ever tell anyone I play it, but now, I couldn't care less. I thought people were gonna take the mick out of me, but really, they don't really care.



Well-Known Member
I used to when I was 14, the insecure age.

Now I'm 17, and I just don't give a crap anymore. I came out the Pokémon closet when I was 16, and I even managed to get a few of my friends back into Pokémon. One friend got a Leaf Green, and two others got Mystery Dungeon Blue.

*~Star Pocchama~*

l Kawaii Vulpix l
I don't really play in secrecy, cause I don't bring my Gameboy Advance to school because people might steal it. Its not that I'm worried that I will lose my reputation (I'm not popular anyway > <) but I just don't want my Gameboy Advance to get stolen. Also people would start teasing me about it if they saw and I hate getting teased cause I've been teased during my life in Primary School a little bit for liking Pokemon. But my friends don't mind talking about Pokemon cause they don't hate it but don't like it.

*~Star Pocchama~* ;393;


I have for a long time. I am sort of popular and getting up there, and I thought that Pokemon would drop me to the depths. But then I found out that this friend of mine likes pokemon. And he is popular. And beyond that, a lot of people know, and none of them care. No one goes up to you and puts you down for liking pokemon, which is what I was expecting. I haven't done anything drastic, like stand up on a chair and yell, "I love Pokemon!" Besides no one would believe me if I did that. But I am starting to open up, and if someone asks me if I like pokemon I will tell them the truth. I have learned a lot this year, and one thing that I have learned is that popularity is not judged by something like liking pokemon. Its judged by your personality, and sometimes your hobbies.


Torterra Firma
Yep. I gots way too much pressure to be cool, ect. Jokes on them. When they go to high school and say pokemon sucks, they will get beat up by true pokemon fans. Heh.


Beginning Trainer
I did from 6th grade to 9th grade, but then I stopped caring what people thought. lol. So now I randomly talk about Pokémon and such with my friends who don't even play it, and I'm turning 19 next month. lol. Sometimes I can even get the boyfriend to watch it with me. Haha.

Azalia Leafsong

Beginning Anew
I don't play in secrecy. Sometimes if I arrive very early before class start I'll play Emerald for a few minutes. As for the people, they don't really care at all. Even if they did find out it's no big deal. If they don't like Pokemon they don't go around picking on Pokemon fans. Everyone respects what the other person is interested in.


Sic Transit Gloria
Haha no, and I'm like, wicked popular around here. But I used to be a super geek in Junior High and my freshman year of high school, before I started playing sports and being social (there were family issues dragging me down too until around then). But I realize that a lot of the reason that it's shunned to have hobbies like Pokemon is a lot of fans with be so absorbed with it that it'll be sort of awkward looking to everyone else. I just put my friends and real life way before this particular hobby and I'm respected for who I am.
Popularity sucks and I couldn't care any less about it. I play it in public, everybody knows and don't care. Apart from the populars. But I want them all dead anyway ^^


< It's Passion Pink!
Well I'm not vocal about it or anything, but I don't hide it. :/


Angels Amoonguss
I do but its kinda a bummer sometimes. i know one frined though who plays a lil and hes the only person who i've told that i like pokemon but we dont trade and stuff often. since im like cool/little bit with populars i dont tell anyone cause then i'd immediately lose reputation so wat about u guys?

Thats excactly my situation. My cousin whos a year younger than me is the only one I know who plays and the only one that knows I play. We always plan teams for when we restart and stuff like that. But I play in secresy, definately


>.< I eat children..
Popularity sucks and I couldn't care any less about it. I play it in public, everybody knows and don't care. Apart from the populars. But I want them all dead anyway ^^

Haha! Good one!

That's pretty much my opinion. People don't have to pry into your life and attack you because of one detail they dislike about you. I get horrible treatment sometimes for likeing Poke'mon but I put up with it.
I'm not popular but I do have a larger group of friends who couldn't care less. Popularity is stupid. Grow up and live your life without always thinking about how others will think about you.