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who is team galaxy. are they more dangerous then magma/aqua

Hooray dechoudens is back!!! Bring in the admins!!!
What's the point. You already know the awnser. You are just dechoudens and I am PMing an Admin.

Now you go and edit your first post. No point. They can still see what you put due to my quote.
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This is him. He made a new account. It's obvious. We all know that this is you dechoudens.
great. then just go ahead and throw a party
Now to get the 'Hooray dechoudens is back with a new SPAMMY account again! Let's wait for the ban!' banners!
I have but a sign in my sig so any passing Admin will know you're back dechoudens. Aren't I nice?
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Prepare Yourself
who is team galaxy. are they more dangerous then magma/aqua

Find out when you get the game, and besides I have been watching your spam and it will be stopped! XD XD XD *reports* NEXT TIME DONT COME BACK YOU PIMPLE!


Slip slidin'
Who thinks we need more animé mods to keep these pointless SPAM threads in check, raise your hand>.>


Well-Known Member
Oh My God, I'm Going To Die.

You Know How? I'm Going To Be Sentenced To Death As Soon As I Hire A Crazy Rude Hitman To Invade Your Mind With An Army Of Evil Cats Who Use All Captial Letters.

Team Galaxy Is Way More Better Than Aqua And Magma, Who's Leaders Were Demolished Super Easy. Hopefully Ash and Co. Will lose to Galaxy A Couple Times, To Fit With The Nice Plot That Went On In The Game, Which Should Of Been For Gameboy, too. >_<