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Who Is Your Favorite Pokemon(MD)


Scyther FTW <3
Sceptile and Charizard...

Charizard can learn Heat Wave, which devours Monster Houses
Sceptile is jut cool and can learn som ddecent moves ^^


Typhlosian, Sceptile, Marowak, Golduck


Well-Known Member
Mew or Jirachi, becasue I have never had either in prevous games, I still haven't seen Mew, or attempted Wish Cave yet. ;-;


My Loyal Feraligatr
Tarous. I don't know why but he's just so awesome and he has a wide varity of moves. And once I get one and teach it Earthquake,it's gonna be one of my main team members.
Me, Sarah the Vaporeon :3 I'm level 90 and can easily shoplift Kecleon shops in the dungeons and kill the shopkeepers. Hooray for commiting crimes! Theft AND homicide :D

My favorite character from the story is Gengar. I love him so much X3


Well-Known Member
My favorite Pokemon in PMD, are my Typlosion, and my Venusaur. They both rock.


Well-Known Member
I have a strange happiness with Eevee, I think its his tail.


Sun cat
Mine is 100% Espeon! It's beautiful and cool! ;)


Strawberry fields.
Normally, I would say Goldeen, but I didn't really like its sprite in Mystery Dungeon, so I would have to pick my second favorite Furret.


Beginning Trainer
Megeniam pwns anyone! so no touchy


Well-Known Member
gengar and misssssssdreavus