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Who likes MAR?

Can you get more members for me? Its hard finding members for an anime no ones heard of.


I love MAR >w< *hugs Alviss...And Rolan...And Nanashi*

Lord Ike

Well-Known Member
I tried to do this a long time ago, but anyway I love it. I think that Nanashi is connected to Ginta's mom in some way.


Aim for the Top.
I seen the first 7 episodes or so a long while ago, it was ok, that Chess organization owns though.
I'm reading the manga,I cant get JetStreem and cant find the DVDs (OK, I havent been looking)
I agree with Franky. Its pretty par with most stories. I like the RPGesque twist (Ginta looks like Cloud ><)
If you like MAR then join my club! Please because I only have two members and the other isn't very active. The link is on the first post.


Procrastinate Today!
It's ok, I have the first volume of the manga. I'd love to watch the anime, but I would prefer watching it on DVD rather than Jetstream....last time I checked, there were no DVDs. What is wrong with you, Viz?

I also question the choice for the main character's dub VA.....he really should sound younger, imo.


Perverted Ash fan
Seen most of the anime and read most of the manga.

I bloody love it.

But sorry, I won't join the club. I'd rather settle with the two I already have.

Lord Ike said:
I tried to do this a long time ago, but anyway I love it. I think that Nanashi is connected to Ginta's mom in some way.
I agree. Considering he has the same "smell" like Ginta, which Bappo concluded, must lead to that.
I have my doubts that it's Danna, though. They look so different from eachother, yet not.

I love these mysteries.
None of you will join the club! I guess I will wait a few days just for it to be closed down!

Boo Hoo boo hoo! I guess the MAR lovers will never unite. They always be seperate.

Can anyone find me a hot pictures of Dorothy?

Edit: Ok its November 25 of 2006 I have closed the MAR club because no one wants to join it.
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