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Who likes the new effect of Delta PKMN?

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Cascade of the Sky

Cascade Gonpory!
Greetings everyone...

who likes that new foil effect on the new Delta Species cards?

me personally hate them. lol, i have never liked foils (as in reversed refractors)

i would much rather the set come out in holographic form ???

but that's just me...

"i think they are ugly"


you never liked foils?!?!? lol

I don't really see a problem with effects on the delta series, i think they are kinda cool


Angel of Mercy
Well, the holos in this set are not nearly as cool as the older holos, in fact they seem like just plain foils...
But, they do have cool highlighting-ish kind of effects...
Otherwise they could have looked a lot better, but hey, at least they tried something new, but sadly it was a let down...
Better luck next time, anyway ^_^
This set is mainly a way to try to add something new rather than improve on the already existing aspects...



I still haven't gotten any Delta species pokes yet.

Cascade of the Sky

Cascade Gonpory!
Lol! im such so mental. today, i brought 6 boosters of Delta Speices and i just found out - I LOVE THE NEW FOIL EFFECT! :) they are so awesome. i got a rayquaza delta and i love ;) and i got a jolteon ex! anywho - gotta go to bed
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Shiloh Phoenix said:
I like the throwback to TMTA-back rev. style, and the reverse borders are awesome.
Yeah but leave them out of your binder and just watch them warp.
I think they look a lot better than what they were. Although the Unseen Forces one were better.


Coral Eye Trainer
I don't like the 'metal-like' shiny effect on the cards. It doesn't look .. rare .. or .. appealing to me, nor does it look shiny.

One of my favourite hologram effects was in Ex Emerald, where the secondary foil you got in a booster had Pokéballs, and other little nick nacks.


Water/Grass Lover
My favorite foils so far have been the FRD/LGRN ones, they look shiny and quite good in my folders unline later ones.


The delta series is the best yet! my decks havent lost yet sinse i started getting them, and all four people i versed have huge decks made up of incredible pokemon.

Cascade of the Sky

Cascade Gonpory!
i miss holofoil :'( i want them to bring delta pokemon out that have holo, instead of just foil... it gets old after a while... maybe a special area of the set dedicated to delta pokemon - but leaving holo'd their... OR HAVING MORE EX'S! :) yay
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