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Who likes Yukinooh?

Do you like Yukinooh?

  • Yes! ~ I love it

    Votes: 30 68.2%
  • No! ~ I hate it

    Votes: 4 9.1%
  • Neutral/Neither ~ I don't care about it

    Votes: 10 22.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Dark Espeon

Well-Known Member
This poll is about the Ice-Grass Pokémon Yukinooh, ;460;.

PLEASE VOTE!!! It's very important for me to know whether people like this Poke or not, so I can rub it on my friend's face! :p


It's not exactly my favorite. It MIGHT OCCASIONALLY be on my UU team subbing for Rentoraa or Wigglytuff. but not often.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Suzuna uses one. So obviously I like it.
Yukinooh is an awesome Pokémon. A Grass Yeti? Pimpin'!

Awesome Type Combination, OK Stats, OK Movepool, very nice looks... he's great! I really want to try one myself! :D

AJ Flibble

Yukinooh rocks.

Pity Grass/Ice is a terrible defensive type combination and it's stats are only OK, but I still may use one eventually. It will be one of those Pokemon that real men use. I may even use it instead of Victreebel. W00t.


Contaminated KFC
I'm on the fence actually. I actually really like it's upper body design, and those fern tree-demolishing fists it brings to the table, but the lower portion of it's body kinda puts me off. The Team Status screen sprite looks pretty decent, but the actual battle sprite rubs me the wrong way. Though I'm sure Sugimori will work his magic on it.

Also, I don't like the fact it has a tail. Usually I'm all for tails on big, bulky creatures like this, but I didn't think it was needed.


YOUR best friend
I LOVE Yukinooooo! It's one of my favorite DP Pokemon. With its bushy ear/eyebrow things, duck feet and monstrous mustache, it has one of the most awesome designs yet. And of course, I can't resist a walking snow-covered tree. I always thought the world needed more tree Pokemon. Grass is my favorite type, and Ice is pretty high up there too.

The only thing that bothers me about it is its ability because I dislike weather effects immensely. But hey, I never let game stats and such get in my way so it's okay!


baby tooth!

I love it! It's got a cool design and it looks like a yetti. Not to mention it's a completely new type combination!


um, and stuff
I showed my friend all the new Pokemon and we passed Yukinooh and he want's it on his team. Me however he's okay

Dark Espeon

Well-Known Member
YAY! People like Yukinooh! I'm so happy ^_^. LOL, I shoved it on my friends faces. They all think he's fugly =(. But I proved them wrong! :3


Procrastinate Today!
It's poretty cool. It's pre-evo is cooler imo, butthey both have a nice type and as Gravy said, Yukinooh has a cool upper-torso. I won't use him on my team, but I will use him for fun.


Salingerian Phony
It's goofy. It's got a weird type combination. And it's well-rounded in its stats. I not only like Yukinooh, I might actually place it on my team.
Yukinooh is an awesome Pokémon. A Grass Yeti? Pimpin'!

Awesome Type Combination, OK Stats, OK Movepool, very nice looks... he's great! I really want to try one myself! :D

What else can I say but, "I wholeheartedly agree!"?

?*V Tsun*?
The 8th Champion