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who thinks brendan should appear?


i like brendan cuz he looks WAY cooler than that geeky ******* ash. he should have been removed when advaced started.


Heracross said:
He has appeared, and we're never going to see him again. Get over it.
when the hell was that?


RED1992 said:
when the hell was that?

A small cameo appearance in the 6th movie, the very beginning. The one with Jirachi


Contaminated KFC
I think Wally would have made for a more interesting character than Brendan. He had a lot more to deal with, what with being a very sickly child and all. Yet he still managed to be an incredibly tenacious pokémon trainer. He would have made for a decent rival character thats for sure.

Brendan on the other hand. i could totally see him become a generic goody-two shoes.


Ash is the best character in the whole anime, I watch the anime for the sole perpose of seeing Ash travel regions. Brendan is a GAME CHARACTER.


Geki said:
Ash is the best character in the whole anime, I watch the anime for the sole perpose of seeing Ash travel regions. Brendan is a GAME CHARACTER.
no he aint. hes ugly and all his pokemon are weak as hell.


Contaminated KFC
RED1992 said:
all his pokemon are weak as hell.
I'll never get tired of hearing that one.

...no. I can't lie to myself.
I already have gotten tired of it.

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
Geki said:
Ash is the best character in the whole anime, I watch the anime for the sole perpose of seeing Ash travel regions. Brendan is a GAME CHARACTER.

May is a game character. Brock and Misty are game characters. Ash is basically a game character. (Max is... well, if you consider that boy in front of the girl rival's house in Ruby and Sapphire...) In fact, there are lots of game characters in Pokemon.

Poke Master 7

Boulder Trainer
MJC CartoGuy said:
May is a game character. Brock and Misty are game characters. Ash is basically a game character. (Max is... well, if you consider that boy in front of the girl rival's house in Ruby and Sapphire...) In fact, there are lots of game characters in Pokemon.

lets continue this with main characters, Yoshi and Dani they're game characters and they get there own special. Gary, Prof. Oak, the G/S/C rival are all game characters and yet they all appear in the show. So that "game character" statement really isn't a very good argument.


Well-Known Member
Wally hasn't been in the anime.

I'd hate Brendan to appear, he'd probably be a filler character.

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
Poke Master 7 said:
lets continue this with main characters, Yoshi and Dani they're game characters and they get there own special. Gary, Prof. Oak, the G/S/C rival are all game characters and yet they all appear in the show. So that "game character" statement really isn't a very good argument.

I never said that I didn't want Brendan to come (back, although he didn't really come the first time). I was just saying that we shouldn't not see Brendan just because he is a game character. (Wait, that was a double negative. Oh well.)


So hot he's on fire.
RED1992 said:
no he aint. hes ugly and all his pokemon are weak as hell.

Agree'd. But I just don't go out and say it. ;3

IMO, Brendan needs to stay in 'omgwereonlygamecharactersplz'-Land, cause if Will can't appear, Brendan shouldn't either. Unfair? You betcha. Unfair is what I do best, hos.

That and the frigging Brendan fangirls would NEVER shut up if he was to appear. So no. D: From what we saw of his CAMEO IN MOVIE SIX OMG, he's just some omgpowerful trainer with a Shiftry and Aggron and we don't NEED any more of them.

So no. No Brendan ever.

Because I decree it. I am law. I am the law and the law is not mocked, b*tch D: