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Who uses the cloning cheat?

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Musical Insomnia
Who Clones?

I must admit, i do, my team has 3 red gyarados' and 2 typhlosions;155;


Staff member
I do when I play. It's mainly just for shinies, and I cloned a bunch of my friends' rare Pokemon years back because I was either too lazy to get them myself or I wanted their IDno.


Forum-lurker 4 UK!
I. The only reason was to get several Eevee/Tyrogue without breeding.
I STILL PLAY GOLD! No-one else does, though, ever since Shinou/Sinnoh was first heard of...


Well-Known Member
i cloned only ONCE!!! i didnt want to go through the trouble of breeding or catching anoter chansey so i-i i... CLONED!!!! so i traded the Clone for an aerodactyl. lol oh yea and i cloned the legendaries in rby. so yea.(not a big fan of cloning since the incident with my venasaur *sob*)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I tried to clone a Pokemon once, but it didn't work.
I mean, it didn't work AT ALL.

I followed all the steps to clone my Typhlosion, but when I checked the box, there was no clone, only my Typhlosion and other Pokemon.

I have never tried it again, and never plan to, I don't spend much time on my second generation games anymore, and I don't need cloned Pokemon anyway.



A New Adventure
No I don't clone anymore... Everytime I attempted it with something good, it would get deleted. I know it was most likely my fault but I just don't care to try again.


Well-Known Member
I've never cloned in GSC and don't intend to.

I used it a few time but now i don't because i never play the second Generation

well i used to until i lost my level 97 nidoking now i dont even touch my g/s/c

but i clone in emerald

Just remember, it's the people who stopped playing the 2nd gen whose internal batteries ran out, just don't complain when it happens.

My 'proof' is that the battery in my Gold ran out (now replaced), but not my Silver, because I played on Silver more.


Well-Known Member
i never use it cuz i hate it.


Don't Blink
I used to, so all of my friends could have one, and I could get more rare Pokémon for the clones(as well as master balls), and I never lost a Pokémon because of it. But then one day, I just realized how wrong it is. I treat my Pokémon as individual friends(go on, laugh at me), and I stongly disapprove of cloning on the whole. Besides, when trading with friends, you should give up a treasure for a treasure, instead of just gaining. That's not how it works in life.



Ultimate Trainer
I cloned on silver, mostly for masterballs and rare candies


Josh trainer
I used it before, but once I did it incorrectly and deleted my Ho-Oh.

I stopped using it since then.


I did it. Many a time.

Facilitated a trade between a Shiny Magby and Shiny Raticate.

Meh, it's quite useful if you do it correctly, and I love glitches. xP

Supreme Golden Ho-oH

Well-Known Member
I used it many times, more than 50.
Until the day my game broke.:(
That really got on my nerves.:mad:
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Shine Now!
I've tried it and never lost anything and didn't glitch my game
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