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Who will import and why?Discuss here


Leh Gardevoir Boy
Well...I used up most of my money buying Pearl from Japan, so I don't have enouhg for a Wii, or another foreign shipping


Pokémon Observer
The Wii is not region-free, so there's no guarantee that it'll work on your television and you'll have to buy all of your games from the country of import in order to play them on your Wii. Unfortunately, unlike the DS, the Wii is region-locked!


I don't see a point in importing a Japanese PBR unless you have lots of money and can read Japanese.


i think buying PBR would be a waste of money. if the Wii if region protected than you wouldn't even be able 2 play it. and if a DS game costs 50 2 import imagine what Wii game would cost. probably like 80 w/out shipping o_O


Active Member
I'm going to preorder it at my local electronics store, Yamada. ^^ I guess you can't count that as importing. Anyhow, I'm looking forward to to playing it online with anyone else who picks it up.
I'm importing everything.

My family is getting a Wii for Christmas, so they want it in english. Fair enough. So I'm going to buy myself one early next year. Why? Because I'm fed up of bad translations, boxarts and features being left out of localised versions. It's been like this for a while, I import everything, and it helps me learn Japanese that much more. And I can understand enough to get through a simple Pokemon game.

Actually, by the end of next year, my house could have 3 Wii's. The family one, my one, and a DVD one I might buy. Might.


Shadow Amongst Light
Actually, by the end of next year, my house could have 3 Wii's. The family one, my one, and a DVD one I might buy. Might.

As it is... the specs seem to not show dvd playback cabability... that reminds me I should email them and ask about it. Initially it was supposed to play em outta the box and then they said something about having a dongle.......


Well-Known Member
i never import games, I'll wait till it comes out in english


Well-Known Member
If i get a wii i'll get one then so no i'm not importing it
With the latest news, I won't even be getting this game, let alone import it!


Well-Known Member
I won't import no need since the wii will be region locked unless they would make a disc to switch either way I rather wait for PBR maybe if it's a game I like that's not comming to america then that's fine.


<- He want da cookie
I dont need to import cause I live here in Japan.