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Who would win in a fight: torchic or cyndaquil?

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Active Member
I would say torchic would win. Yet cydaquil is pretty quick. Torchic learns ember early. Cyndaquil evolves early. You decide.;078;

~Shadow Vulpix~

Active Member
Meh, it could go either way I suppose, but I think Torchic would win. ;136;
Probably Torchic since Torchic has higher power


christian 4ever
you posted two of these ere you trying to do this to become higher rank.........they will catch you........trust me you will get in trouble..

~Shadow Vulpix~

Active Member
you posted two of these ere you trying to do this to become higher rank.........they will catch you........trust me you will get in trouble..

:rolleyes: Let him get in trouble if he wants.
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