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Who would win in this battle?????

Who would win in this battle, Gardevoir or Erureido???

I say Gardevoir, but some say Erureido, Im confused, who do you think would win and why?


Contaminated KFC
Neither would win, because they'd both end up with 2.5 children in the end. Oh yeah sure, the pitter-patter of little Ralts feet is all well and good at first. But those cute little tykes grow up fast. And being stuck with a b!tchy Kirlias that never shut up about that hunky Machoke and argue over which one of 'em will attract a boyfriend with their ballet dancing will get real old, real fast.

Also note that I didn't say all those Kirlia are female. Gravy is all for gender equallity and against sexism don't 'cha y'know!


ooo, what's cooking?
um, neither, considering they have almost identicl move-pools, and types...


baby tooth!

One on one, erureido would win. Note that only their attack and special attack stats got swapped. Erureido still keeps that massive special defense that gardevoir has. So while gardevoir has powerful special attacks, they won't hurt erureido much. However, since erureido uses powerful physical attacks instead, he can easily put a dent on gardevoir due to her weak physical defense.


I dropped my balls