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who would win?

Who would win

  • Total voters
None of the Above. Hyouta, Tougan, Makishi Luche Libre, GAME Blaine, and LT.SURGE win the competion.
Harley bribes them all with his body.

Harley wins.


Yeah, ok!
Ash could definitely beat Tyson if he uses all his Pokemon at his disposal.

I always kinda hoped to see Ash battle Harley for some reason, but sadly that never happened.

Ah well.


Using the mystical fortunetelling techinique known as "clicking at random with my eyes closed", the victors will apparently be:
Misty, Harrison, Morrison, Tyson, and Drew.

It was revealed in a similar manner to newspaper horoscopes so it must be true!

In all seriousness, nobody'd win because TR would interrupt their battle at the last minute and the ep would end before the battle finished. Or something. Or Ash would win because HE IZ TEH HIRO.


Well-Known Member
Gary and Drew. they're better trainers then the rest. ash just wants to be a good trainer.

-Chimungus ;457;
If they were all battling at once in one giant free-for-all battle, then there's absolutely no way to predict the outcome. It's just pointless to even try to predict it, so I just picked Misty, since she's the best character in the show. ;)


Contaminated KFC
I voted for all of them, considering the thread doesn't really specify what type of competiton they'd all be taking part in.

Ash would win in a battle of wits. Providing everyone else was drugged beforehand.

Misty would win in a competition to see who can ingest the largest amount of chlorine without going into a coma.

Brock would win the coveted 'Medallion of Rejection' in a contest to pick up the least chicks whilst actually trying to woo them.

Gary would most likely come out on top in a knife fight. I mean, just look at that hair. It's like having multiple stabby pointy thingies growing out of his scalp.

Harrison win in a 24 hour bore-a-thon. Very easily, infact. Multiple casualties (and possibly fatalities) would be inflicted after the first 10-15 mins.

Morrison would win in a pie ea.....nah. Way too easy. Maybe a sumo wr...no, no, that won't do.....AH! Morrison would win in a knitting contest. He's the type of lad that likes to hide his femenine side, yet partake in arts and crafts when nobody else is looking.

Haruka would win a competition to see who has the most surprising pink surprise. Make of that what you will...

Shuu would win in a 'Dive into a rose bush and see if you can come out alive' contest. The guy is an expert around roses y'know. You can see the creativity starting to wane here.

Harley would totemo win anything if he could get his totemo hands on the totemo script. Very~

Korobooshi Kojiro

Your forgot Tyson!

He could easily win the contest for "Character named after a Food Company who had a lawsuit filed against them"

Or a Beyblade match.

Or a boxing match.


Well-Known Member
May, Drew, or Harley...... well that's who I'd hope would win. I think Brock is secretly training his Pokemon off screen to surprise us all. ;)
Hyouta wins in a sexiness contest

Tougan would wind in who can shovel the most dirt out of the ground.

LT. SURGE would win for too different contests: 1. Best American and 2. in a gun fight.

Makishi wins in a taco making and a taco eating contest.

Blaine wins for maintaining his body IN THE VERY HEART OF THE VOLCANO ITSELF.

Erika wins for being a florist by making pretty flowers.......and being a bitch.

Giovanni would most likey win in maintaining finacial business with just about anything and handling the stock market. He IS a Republican after all.
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Ash fan girl! Cute!
Ash would win it all. But what's with the no Shinji option? =[
He's my second favorite character on the show.