if you are choosing others, you may choose others character like prof oak etc.
wonder why most people choses people from adventure...
Well, first off, the series is a lot more well known than the other mangas (with the possible exception of Dengeki Pikachu).
Also, the characters from Adventures tend to be more quirky and interesting than the ones from other manga, thus they are more appealing.
damed right.
Anyways, no one wants to be Blue! Haha!
First of all, I love your double posting skills, very 1337.
Second of all, when i posted, no one voted for her yet.
Finally, I hate her beacuse she was acting like a (beep!) during R/B/G series and her reason for becomming a trainier is just... screwed up. "I want to become a Pallet trainer too!", what the hell? Her appearnce in G/S/C isn't much better either.
Did i mention i also love your effective use of sarcasim?
If you still don't see the reason why i hate her so much, may I ask why do you like her so much?
And I woldn't be telling othres to grow up when i am living in the "eighth gate of hell".
Did I mention that I love the way you misspell every other word?
Anyhow, I like her okay. She's not my favorite but you sure do push your hatred of her onto everyone else in this forum.
Silver isn't Silver in Golden Boys. His name is Black. Everyone gets that wrong, but it's really not that hard. And I don't think there's a Crystal in Golden Boys. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Um...Personality-wise, I'd probably be Crystal. She's a lot like me, except she has a way different parentage. BUT OH WELL. I'd kinda like to be Blue, as hard as her life is. I like her sharp tounge. xD
Golden Boys is a manga based on the Gold and Silver video games. I think it has two volumes, and it'd kinda...strange because Black (the rival) has a Tyrannitar and is all evil.I'd kill to own it, but it's only available in Japan. D:I recall that it ends with a big climactic battle between Black and Gold (the hero), but I might have dreamed that. O__o;
You just said that your doublepost is accidental and accused me of being picky, and now you are pointing out the fact that I spell words wrong? Who needs to grow up here?
I don't like her and all did was saying "I hate her". And I'm not gonna waste my energy trying to make you guys feel the same, for I don't even give a damn about how you guys think.
Silver isn't Silver in Golden Boys. His name is Black. Everyone gets that wrong, but it's really not that hard. And I don't think there's a Crystal in Golden Boys. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Golden Boys is a manga based on the Gold and Silver video games. I think it has two volumes, and it'd kinda...strange because Black (the rival) has a Tyrannitar and is all evil.I'd kill to own it, but it's only available in Japan. D:I recall that it ends with a big climactic battle between Black and Gold (the hero), but I might have dreamed that. O__o;
Silver isn't Silver in Golden Boys. His name is Black. Everyone gets that wrong, but it's really not that hard. And I don't think there's a Crystal in Golden Boys. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Um...Personality-wise, I'd probably be Crystal. She's a lot like me, except she has a way different parentage. BUT OH WELL. I'd kinda like to be Blue, as hard as her life is. I like her sharp tounge. xD
Golden Boys is a manga based on the Gold and Silver video games. I think it has two volumes, and it'd kinda...strange because Black (the rival) has a Tyrannitar and is all evil.I'd kill to own it, but it's only available in Japan. D:I recall that it ends with a big climactic battle between Black and Gold (the hero), but I might have dreamed that. O__o;
i use silver cause most people will think the rival is silver. black does not have a tyranitar. he in intending to catch it, only to set it free from the stone that seal it from years ago... don't know how to continue... buy the manga from chuangyi and read.