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who would you be?

which manga character would you be?

  • Red (adventure)

    Votes: 8 22.9%
  • blue (adventure)

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • green (adventure)

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • yellow (adventure)

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • red (pocket monster)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • red (pokemon ruby sapphire)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • gold (adventure)

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • gold (golden boys)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • silver (adventure)

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • others (please give manga name)

    Votes: 7 20.0%

  • Total voters


black does not have a tyranitar. he in intending to catch it, only to set it free from the stone that seal it from years ago... don't know how to continue... buy the manga from chuangyi and read.
Alright, alright, sorry. >__> I was just summarizing what I'd read somewhere. My source might not have been completely correct, so don't blame it on me. And I can't order from Chaungyi because I don't live anywhere near Singapore.


Turnabout Pokemon
Alright, alright, sorry. >__> I was just summarizing what I'd read somewhere. My source might not have been completely correct, so don't blame it on me. And I can't order from Chaungyi because I don't live anywhere near Singapore.

I can PM you a link to a place where you can buy them. I've gotten stuff like Pocket Monsters and Ash & Pikachu from this website, so...maybe you can get some manga from there, too.


Black owns a Sneasel, though. ^^;;
Naturally, as the rival owns one in the game. And he doesn't get it until after you get your seventh badge, so I don't know why all the manga-ka favor it.
I can PM you a link to a place where you can buy them. I've gotten stuff like Pocket Monsters and Ash & Pikachu from this website, so...maybe you can get some manga from there, too.
That would be nice, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Naturally, as the rival owns one in the game. And he doesn't get it until after you get your seventh badge, so I don't know why all the manga-ka favor it.That would be nice, thanks.

black stole the sneasel from a breeding center tournerment. silver get it from mask of ice...


Well-Known Member
the boy i mean

Well, he was originally known as Green and that name has three votes... but we can't be sure who people are actually voting for, given that the names were changed when the titles were translated.


magmajewel is love.
I would probably want to be Yellow 'cause she can heal her pokemon and talk to them in by reading their minds. I think that's AWESOME, she also has cool pokemon! ^^ I love her straw hat too! ^^


Well-Known Member
I would probably want to be Yellow 'cause she can heal her pokemon and talk to them in by reading their minds. I think that's AWESOME, she also has cool pokemon! ^^ I love her straw hat too! ^^

A straw hat fan? You wouldn't happen to like One Piece as well, would you?


magmajewel is love.
Um..no sorry I don't like One Peice, I just like her hat 'cause it's cool! ^^ It has a lugia feather and a Ho-oh feather on it! ^^ That's the part that I think is cool about it! ^^