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Who Ya Gonna Call, Wimps?


Why does everyone think cheating/cloning is bad? Sure, it would be unfair to have a 999 per stat Unown, or maybe a Surfing Charizard, but what about getting event pokemon or more of an item that you need like a TM or a Masterball?

I'm cheating for Manafi and friends, but what can you do about that? I'm only cheating for one. I don't want a team of Aruseus or whatever because that would be unfair. And yet you would yell at me, be mad and angered at me. But in reality, you have as much of a voice as a toddler. You cannot stop anyone. You're useless and wasting your time.

GF makes the game. You can't just write a letter to them and say to take out the glitch. They've already sold hundreds of thousands of cartriges that have this glitch. They don't have the VOICE to get everyone who has the game to turn their game in. They don't have the MONEY to do this. And they don't have the NEED to have such a useless event because of a stupid glitch that people whine about.

Now, if you don't like cheating, why don't you go play alone, where there's no multiplayer. Alone? Then get used to cheating and get back to online gaming. If you really care about cheating, maybe you just can't accept the real world of gaming. People cheat. What are you going to do?
Getting unlimited Master Balls= cheap *** way to catch pokemon.

Be a man, use bought Pokeballs.
I'm gonna call the ghostbusters!

Dun, dun, dun, doo, doo, doo, doo, dun, dun, dun, da ~

Yeah I realise it was neither the time nor place to state that. :(

I'm the same as you Ridley, I clone to get the stuff you can get legitimately, like at events and stuff. And to tell the truth, it's fine to do so, and I couldn't give a toss what anyone says. That cheating is fine really.

Cheating to get like a surfing charizard is just ridiculous though.

Overall though, as long as you're enjoying yourself, do what you want with your pokemon. Just. Nothing. Sexual. :(


Long time no see
I think its alright if u ask me, mi sister has trouble with catchin legendaries so i clone mine an give them to her. i havnt tried with a masterball yet but i will soon. I dnt find it cheatin, im sure its not a glitch, just some lovly jap person puttin it in to make our life easier......
Clonin is not cheatin!!! in mi opinion tho
I'm quite indifferent to the whole topic
but really, its nothing to have a huge rant about.
At the end of the day, the only time it's going to matter if if someone in competitive play gets annoyed that you cheated to get one. In which case you dont fight them and thats that


Pokemon Collecter
I cheat to trigger event pokemon, or to get unobtainable TM's again.
However, I think cheating to get unlimited Master Balls is just lazy.


Sprout Aficionado
I don't clone Pokemon or tms, but I have sharked in Pokemon and masterballs before. However, even with the masterballs I prefer to catch Pokemon the old-fashioned way. I would likely only use them as a last resort. As long as the 'tactics' you use to go about getting these things doesn't give you an impossible advantage (ultimate stats, etcetera...) then I don't see anything wrong with it.


Well-Known Member
I have gone through my Crystal version once using 999 stats, and I didn't find it fun at all, it was boring, no challenges. But I don't flame people for cheating/cloning. It is the users choice what they do and how they do it. ;)

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
Cheat as much as you want, as long as you dont use cheat pokemon in competivive battling against non-cheaters.


Well-Known Member
You don't need a gameshark to clone pkmn in emerald version!


Cheat as much as you want, as long as you dont use cheat pokemon in competivive battling against non-cheaters.

Again my thoughts exactly. However i have no problem with cloning or people who shark in tm's or so. I would clone myself but i dont have emerald so meh.

Twilit Dragoon

*omnious thunderstorm*
It doesn't matter really, I cheated on a game before, to get inifinite Pokeballs, etc, so do whatever you want.


Queen of Charizards!
I won't die.... I won't have hacked 999 stat Pokemon against you, they all might have metronome.