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Whoa! I never knew that!


Well-Known Member
On Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald, have you ever been playing and you found something out that you didn't know about? What was it?

Here are my "Whoa! I never knew that!" experiences:
1. I was running around on some routes on day, and every once in a while, I noticed that you could hear the faint cries of pokemon that appear on that route!

2. Just today, I never knew that when you are on the Cruise ship, if you looked out of one of the windows, you could see the ship traveling through the sea!


I am the game
They are not important, but nice find


Shiny Hunter
I knew the thing about the faint cries of pokemon on routes, but I had no idea about the cruise ship thing, pretty cool.


I am the game
Ive tries the cruise ship and its cool.


Shiny Hunter
Oh, and even though I found this out quite awhile ago, up until Cystal or Silver version, I had no idea that if you walk into a random patch of grass, and have 1 of your pokemon use cut, it will cut the grass away.


Shiny Hunter
Oh, and even though I found this out quite awhile ago, up until Cystal or Silver version, I had no idea that if you walk into a random patch of grass, and have 1 of your pokemon use cut, it will cut the grass away.


I am the game
I knew that ages ago. But some people might not know.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I knew about the Pokemon cries, the ferry thing, and cutting down grass a loooooong time ago.

One thing I found out from playing was the area north of Rustboro (Route 115 I think, the route between Rustboro and Meteor Falls) with wild Jigglypuff, Swellow, ect. and a few trainers and secret bases. I never realised it was there until one day I was surfing in that area for fun, and ended up discovering it by mistake.

The same thing happened with the Shoal Cave, at first I'd though there was a rocky barrier north of Mossdeep that prevented you from going up there, but one day, I discovered the cave when my pokedex said Spheal could be found in that area.



Well-Known Member
2. Just today, I never knew that when you are on the Cruise ship, if you looked out of one of the windows, you could see the ship traveling through the sea!

Nice discovery. And I thought I had already discovered everything in the game.


Well-Known Member
Nice discovery. And I thought I had already discovered everything in the game.

Me too, I thought I knew every thing in that game (now I know I got a long way to go). Thats a great discovery mewfan1.

On topic: I found out that you can move up to 30 pokmeon at a time in FR/LG/Emerald by pressing selent in a PC box.


The new tuxedo look!
Woah! The cruise ship is new to me too!


Furret rocks
I knew those before...


ello there!
i knew these before. i know all the third gen games inside and out....well except for the factory where i always get pwned(first time using that word... woot). :)


I am the game
Me too, I thought I knew every thing in that game (now I know I got a long way to go). Thats a great discovery mewfan1.

On topic: I found out that you can move up to 30 pokmeon at a time in FR/LG/Emerald by pressing selent in a PC box.

Nice discovery
Me too, I thought I knew every thing in that game (now I know I got a long way to go). Thats a great discovery mewfan1.

On topic: I found out that you can move up to 30 pokmeon at a time in FR/LG/Emerald by pressing selent in a PC box.

I never knew about that ^^^ very cool.

I had discovered the other things people said except looking out the ferry windows i will try that it sounds very cool.

I also was surprised to find a psychic near the top entrance of cycling road one day.

Im sure there have been many others but i cant think of them at the moment. ;123;

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
pretty obvious, but using a pokemon with amulet coin also doubles money earned with the move payday. the amulet coin looks like the coin on meowths head, I think its a clue.