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Whoo,my first 99 floor dungeon!

*pokes my siggy*I should have no problem!Then again,i might have trouble on regirock,but i just gotta keep my col and do my best!^^


fredfredburger yes!
seriously if you have a level 100 buried relic is zippity easy.
I dont know,maybe cause its my first 99 floor dungeon...
I dont know,maybe cause its my first 99 floor dungeon...


fredfredburger yes!
well it's ok i was like that also on my 99 dungeon.
Yea thanx^^.Im doing greatso far!


fredfredburger yes!
i still have never beat buried relic.


Well-Known Member
you could befriend ninetails in MD? if so, where?

PS: I need an answer ASAP!!!!!!


fredfredburger yes!
yeah but vulpix hard to recruit.
It was really easy for me,the 2nd vulpix i beat


fredfredburger yes!
yeah i want a vulpix or a flareon to join me.
*fdools over a flaereon* me too!


fredfredburger yes!
one time a got stuck in a dungeon with flareon i had swift but i ran out of pp for it then i only had fire moves left then i couldn't kill him i forget i could attack with the a button foolish me.
lol that sucks,did you have a max elexer?


fredfredburger yes!
no i find a lot but not in fiery field. so i just died
man that sucks!I love flaereon.Does anyone know where to gert the friend area sacred ifeld?