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who're Erik and Sara?

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In R/B/Y/FR/LF there is a guy in the Fushia Zoo, He asks "wheres Sara"
I wouldn't mind this question.... but his name is revealed. meaning he probaly needs something from you. Can someone explain him to me?


Sara is inside one of the Safari Zone rest houses.

There's nothing that they can do for you. Even if you talk to both of them, they'll always say the exact same thing and never move.


. . .
Their just people that GF put in the game. There isn't anything special about them. They'll just say the say thing over and over.


I wonder if GF puts stuff like this just too get us riled up?

That's what I think. For example, all of the unexplained shizz on the Sevii Islands. they want us to fill in the gaps ourselves - they've made the perfect template for conspiracies and Fanfics.
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