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Who's got Mamoswine?


New Member
Who ever wants to trade a Mamoswine state what you want for it and I'll see if I have what you want. Mamoswine is the last pokemon I need to complete my National Dex so please im desperate!!


Kawaii Trainer
Do you have a Shaymin or Arceus?


Kawaii Trainer
Oh really? Shoot. Hm. Do you have any EV trained pkmn?

Kill The Sunrise

As If Set Afire
i have a mamoswine, im looking for a shiny lucario, or a tyranitar with good nature or a magmortar all males preferably and in english


Kawaii Trainer
Do you need any starters? I have all of them.

Nah. I have the starters. I am looking for a Seedot or any of the evolved stages, though. DO you have any of them? And, possibly, do you have a moon stone?