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Who's Looking Forward To The Wii?


Ashfan for life
The Nintendo Wii is going to come 41/2 weeks from now and I'm so anxious to get it. Are you guys anxious has I'm?


shinypidgeot trainer
yeah cause if i get the wii then i can play gamecube games surf the internet for downloads etc.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
The Nintendo Wii is going to come 41/2 weeks from now
I read that as forty-one-and-a-half weeks. >_<

Blah, I can wait. While I want the system ASAP, there just aren't any games I want that are being released until at least the latter half of 2007, and I'm immensely determined to get TP for the Cube. Even if the system can play older games, I just don't see the point in having the system while not having any Wii games for it.

This will, however, mark the first Nintendo system since the SNES (Virtual Boy doesn't count) that I didn't get the year it comes out, and that includes handhelds.


PokeTrainer Miki
The question is not "who is looking forward to the wii?"
the REAL question is "who isn't looking forward to the wii?"


I'm am...
but I never Pre-Ordered or reserved
I'll wait until next year. I'm broke, and there are no good games until next year. I'll just wait for Brawl and PBR to come out and spend it with my birthday money.

The Thrashmeister

<-- Made of awesome.
Yup. Should be a relatively fun and new experience for me, seeing as I've never owned a TV console before (only handhelds :p).

I haven't bothered to pre-order it though. I'm just going to bug my parents about it when Christmastime comes.


Feel my soul
The Thrashmeister said:
I haven't bothered to pre-order it though. I'm just going to bug my parents about it when Christmastime comes.

Same here. I haven't pre-ordered it either. *is extremely broke* I think my parents are getting me it for Christmas, since my GC doesn't work. D:

But yeah, I am really looking forward to the Wii. ^^ I'm looking forward to Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and I'm really hoping some Tales games will come out for it. :)

Phoenix lord

Finally edited!
I can't wait any longer. I'm probibly getting it on November 19, 2006 when it comes out, but i'm kind of low on money so there is a slight chance i have to get it for Christmass.



You're Illegal
Ya i'm getting mine for christmas too, but I got to pay for it myself if I want to get much anything else for christmas, i'm paying for the base money before tax, and my dad is paying for the tax.

Flame Haze SnS

I'm looking forward to getting the Wii with LoZ: TP and DBZ: BT2. I've already pre-ordered it and Wii's Launch Day is around 24 days away. 24 days seemed like few months.


Well-Known Member
The Nintendo Wii is going to come 41/2 weeks from now and I'm so anxious to get it. Are you guys anxious has I'm?

Does that mean "Four and on half," or "41 divided by two?"

I am eager to get it, because it is more like the PS2 in it's computer-like functions. And stuff.