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whos that charecter?

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Bit by bit...
you have to describe a charecter and the next person geusses the charecter until theyget it right

lemme start

.he has blond spikey hair ,fox whiskers and uses sexy jitsu


Well-Known Member
i do not know?

he is a dog that has a speech problem. everything he says starts with "R"

Kim and Kam Fan

Huge Anabel Fan
scooby doo

he has a big yellow afro and attacks with his hair.


Bit by bit...
bobobobo guy i live in england and he doesent even air orn my tv and i stoll know lol

her japanese name is haruka


Slip slidin'

He's a green haired little bugger of a coordinator who's consantly flicking said in a very ostentatious manner.

XD Mewtwo

a giant robot that fights other giant robots to save Edo!
Is controled by Goemon.
Has his own theme song.
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XD Mewtwo

Impact (a stumper I guess!)
Wears a yellow shirt, purple overalls, know for his greed, and made his own game company.
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