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who's that pokemon


in the safari zone you use a mach bike to get up the slope there is a guy who say's there is a rare pokemon he wants to and it's not from hoenn


Belgian Waffles!!!
Its probably heracross, but does it really matter?

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
Its a Pinsir, because it is rare and only found there in the Safari zone, apart from Hoenn and Johto.
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Well-Known Member
I dunno. Maybe he's spent years looking for some pokemon that isnt actually there
It may have something to do with the safari zone extencion in Emerald since there are many none Hoenn Pokemon there and he mentions a 'lake' the is a lake in the extension, I could be wrong though.


<-- Solves any case!
It may have something to do with the safari zone extencion in Emerald since there are many none Hoenn Pokemon there and he mentions a 'lake' the is a lake in the extension, I could be wrong though.

If he means that lake, the pokemon is remoraid or octillery.


Well-Known Member
Il pinsir mi amigo. Adios. Uno.