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Who's your fave frontier brain?

Who is your fave frontier brain?

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  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
who's your fave frontier brain? mine's brandon/ jindai of course! vote please!;249; ;291; ;144; ;421; ;474;


Property of Jesus
Lila. Liked her when all we had was an image, and I liked her even more when I saw how she was in the anime. x3
Brandon's my favorite. He was the most challenging to beat. Plus, I hope he returns to Shinou for a showcasing of the new Regi, although it is unlikely.

Dark Cacturne

The Road To Victory!
Tucker Rulez!!! His arcanine is awesome. I think tucker is one of the most smart frontier brain of all. Did you see his great combinations. PERFECT!!

to bad he lost...


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Anabel, and only 5% of the reason is just to piss you off. While none of the female Brains are real lookers in my book, she comes off as cuter than the other two, and hey, telepathy > all.

Besides, not even Brandon's Regirock wiped the floor off Ash THAT badly.


I like Anabel because she is very kind, she knows how to talk to pokemon and is also very nice girl. Probably she had a small crush on Ash and is a very good battler. I like her and I would like to meet someone like her in real life :)


After seeing all of the Frontier Brains (most episodes in japanese :p) I like Tucker more. I don't know, I just like him more for some reason. Liked the battle and well, you know where I stand for his perfect soulmate!


'Tis quite hard for me to decide, but I'll have to go with Brandon(KAAAAAAAAAAAAH!) closely followed by Tucker(he's amusingly flamboyant AND a competent battler when compared to the main chara that fights him! A rare combo indeed). Anabel's up there too since she did give us a good battle(Tauros got to see the light of day AND do well in battle?) and an amusing two episodes.

Crystal Clair

Well-Known Member
My favorite Brain is definitely Kogomi. She's hot, she's a blond, she's a tomboy and she's tough. We need more blond toughies in the anime.
Followed by
Azami - she reminds me of Clair, and is very attractive.... and has a good-looking blond friend.
Datsura - that's a long story
Hiisu - he's hot, especially in all of that fairy get up. And his hair is sexy.
Pokemon doesn't have enough tough blondes. Hopefully Shirona may be tough enough. If she does appear in the anime.
oh..... btw I cant stand Lila. I just cant.


Well-Known Member
My favorite Brain is definitely Kogomi. She's hot, she's a blond, she's a tomboy and she's tough. We need more blond toughies in the anime.
Followed by
Azami - she reminds me of Clair, and is very attractive.... and has a good-looking blond friend.
Datsura - that's a long story
Hiisu - he's hot, especially in all of that fairy get up. And his hair is sexy.
Pokemon doesn't have enough tough blondes. Hopefully Shirona may be tough enough. If she does appear in the anime.
oh..... btw I cant stand Lila. I just cant.

don't worry, i can't stand her either!:eek:

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
You trieing to kill me?!?!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!!!!!! I love both Anabel and Brandon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But Anabel wins in a land slide victory. And 5% is to annoy you.

EDIT: Looks like no one likes Spenser.
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