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Who's Your Favorite Misty Pokemon?!

Who is your favorite pokemon of Misty?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jewlery is heavy...
just that! who was your favorite one? Psyduck, Starmie, Caserin? vote now and tell why!

i vote starmie because it had the potential to be good it just needed more episodes and more attacks. and when it was used it helped alot like using surf, in the shipwreak, putting out fires.


Well-Known Member
Corsala cause it was so adorable!!!!

-Chimungus ;457;


Yeah, ok!
Psyduck. It's one of the only Pokemon of hers that actually had a good personality, and the only one that was actually interesting.

The rest of them are fairly boring. Gyarados is nice battle wise though.
Horsea. Its not that its one of my favorite Pokemon, but since I love seahorses oh so much, Horsea is definitely my favorite of hers. =] It was so cute too, especially when she first got it in the Tentacool/Tentacruel episode. Poor thing. =[

But water Pokemon are cool, so I like a lot of her others too.

It had no personality, displayed less emotion then Forretress, but it had the most awesome voice ever and was simply kick-butt.

agree with you. Stayu my fav. No-face pokemon..


Contaminated KFC
I was really fond of Poliwhirl actually. It's personallity quota was insanely low, and all it ever seemed to do was use the infamous combination of Water Gun and Bubble, but damn. There was just something about Poliwhirl that made it likeable.
Though with hindsight, I'm sure that something is related to the huge swirl on it's stomach and the fact that the species is known for it's hypnosiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssobey Poliwhirl. Obey Poliwhirl. Obey Poliwhirl.


Beginning Trainer
Geat poll. I love all of her pokemon (obviously) but if I had to pick a favourite it would be Corsola or Togepi. This is actually a really difficult question for me!


Team Awesome
My favorite Misty pokemon will always be Psyduck. I miss him more than I miss Misty, in all honesty. Psyduck was the original popout king, before Wobbuffet came along, and he was always a laugh riot. I could always count on Psyduck to crack me up. At least we got to see more of him with Pokemon Chronicles, but I wish we could see him again. Even the generic psyducks in "Once in a Mawile" and "Sitting Psyduck" couldn't stop me from missing him.

SOS! Its Not Healthy..

He Say Whaaa...
My fave is Psyduck, the comedian in the series, how dumb and can't even swim. Staryu was considered my second fave. How Stayu expressed its feelings was weird to me since it has no face.


Well-Known Member
Psyduck = An interesting personality due to it is scared of water..as when it goes in, it doesn't realise that it is in water. Hilarious..<3