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Whose the best electric pokemon?


Thunder Pokemon User
Me I'd choose Jolteon because he's got skill and great speed. If only he learned thunderbolt he'd be even better.Also you can't beat the classics, he's my first electric love and im keeping him at the top......................But enough about me, wat are your thoghts on the best electric pokemon?


Pokemon dressup
Rotomu the ghost electric, he pwns plain and simple and he's a one of a kind in the game and in types, plus he lives in a TV. It remindes me of The Ring with the little girl

The Benmeister

Master of Magnet
Magneton owns your soul.

Personal preference, yeah, but it's pretty good in battle, also, as it's typing helps it a lot (especially against Skarmory). And I'm sure most of you without a Geodude/Marshtomp struggled immensely against Wattson because of the Electric/Steel typing of his Magneton (and in the case of R/S, Magnemite). Shame it doesn't have Levitate, but meh, what're you gonna do?

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
Mareep's family, Korionku's family, and Chinchou's family. I despise electrics, but have always loved these collective few for whatever reason.


Well-Known Member
Zapdos and Jolteon with decent evs and ivs and a good moveset. I've always loved the bird trio though. xD