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Why cant i release my wurmple?

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I decided to start a new game, and eventully in it (im still before the first badge) i said, hey, im gonna get rid of wurmple (and a few others). so i get rid of some, and then when i try to get rid of wurmple (my second to last, please dont tell me i cant because it's my last) the game has it disappear, and then it says ".........!" "WURMPLE came back?" "Maybe it was worried about you?" and then im still stuck with it. Can someone tell me why?

Thx in advance for all responces.
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uuuh...no. How would that effect it though?


Well-Known Member
If you have a pokemon with an HM move and you don't have any other pokemon with the move it won't leave. Lets say you have a tenacool with surf, sometimes you can't reliease it.


really? is that only in emerald? it never happened in my FR. But, wait...It doesnt know any HM's or anything. im trying to catch a male taillow now, because i want one (male for future breeding) and i think it might have to do with being able to double battle.


I like mangos!
Its because you started a new game. You arent able to release any pokemon for now, for some strange reason...You can release your pokemon after getting further into the game, so its nothing to worry about.


but what about the shroomish and marril i released? also, cool avatar

do you mean that they would be worried about me because i dont have any badges, and they dont want me having too few?


I like mangos!
Ah...Then thats the reason. Since you only had a certain amount of pokemon. XD I dont think its about badges. I think its just about the number of pokemon you have, in your box or party.


oh...w/e, i just caught a tailow...about to see if i can get rid of wurmple (btw, thx 4 the help, every1)


Well-Known Member
Was it the 2nd pokemon you cought? I could never release my 2nd pokemon until I get like five more.


second...aahhh...Probably Marril, and then Shroomish.

Also, yes! I got rid of it! thx again for the help, sort-a!


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Happiness doesn't have to do with releasing Pokemon. If it knows Surf and it's the only Pokemon you have that does, you'll get that message. Also, I believe once you have two Pokemon (or maybe it's once you get the Pokedex) you can't release either of your last two, I think I've tried that before. Probably so you don't have only one Pokemon left if you trade with someone.

Anyway, since the topic creator's been able to release the Pokemon after all...

-Answered, closed
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