christian 4ever
why did they move pokemon from kidswb to cartonnetwork....................now i cant watched......
why did they move pokemon from kidswb to cartonnetwork....................now i cant watched......
why did they move pokemon from kidswb to cartonnetwork....................now i cant watched......
i dont have good grammar....................but do you like the new shows or they are all stupid
Life isn't always fair, especially when it comes to watching Pokemon. There are people in the world who are fans, but unable to watch because of their area not broadcasting Pokemon. And now Shogukan is being anal by removing all of the anime content from Youtube, so no Pokmeon at all for some people. We honestly need multilingual dvds.but no fair for the people that dont have cn and are fans of the anime........i been watching it for a really long time since the first episode
Because you wont stop posting pointless threads that hardly anyone can read.
that not an answer...................do i have anything to do with kidswb no..........if you dont want to read them then just dont go in to my threads........