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why changed kids wb


christian 4ever
why did they move pokemon from kidswb to cartonnetwork....................now i cant watched......


Scuffle of Legends
yah kids wb sure is being stupid.apparently their contract wore out or something so now they have a show about a dog.....2 shows about dogs i mean....and more super heros.......and a copy of a show they already failed with........

Rod Master

The Fishing Guru
With the repackaging of the network, now known as the CW, they wanted to get away from shows not produced by Warner Bros. in-house studios and opted to get rid of shows like Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh. That is the reason you can't watch Pokemon now since it's on cable, which you apparently don't have.

Eternal Eievui

Well-Known Member
why did they move pokemon from kidswb to cartonnetwork....................now i cant watched......

Grammar... so horrible... can't take it...

KidsWB wanted to experiment with some new programs, so they decided not to pick it up again *shrugs*.

Pretty moronic considering it's clearly been their ratings cow for eight years.

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
They're all stupid. With Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh gone, I don't even watch CW and it apparently shows. What I have seen is crap. No wonder their ratings have gone in the toilet.

In the meantime, Pokemon has made Cartoon Network's block the second most watched.
I dont have cartoon network so I cant watch. The only good shows were pokemon and jackie chan. Soon kidswb is going to be off the network. Theyre ratings have plunged ever since they stopped airing the aftertoons show.

Korobooshi Kojiro

Kids WB totally scored idiots!

They got Krypto The Super Dog in exchange for Pokemon!

Yup...without Yugioh or Pokemon, Kids WB has no point of existence. They even got rid of Joe, which I liked, and unlike the other two it seems to have dissapeared!


Well-Known Member
Yeah,and WHY did they move it to a channel with horrible shows and thats 1 3rd the reason i watch CN!(The other thirds be Bobobobobobo and Naruto)


christian 4ever
but no fair for the people that dont have cn and are fans of the anime........i been watching it for a really long time since the first episode

Leon Phelps

Don't Tread on Me
but no fair for the people that dont have cn and are fans of the anime........i been watching it for a really long time since the first episode
Life isn't always fair, especially when it comes to watching Pokemon. There are people in the world who are fans, but unable to watch because of their area not broadcasting Pokemon. And now Shogukan is being anal by removing all of the anime content from Youtube, so no Pokmeon at all for some people. We honestly need multilingual dvds.
Because you wont stop posting pointless threads that hardly anyone can read.


Sprout Aficionado
Heh, this was actually good for me. I couldn't get WB, but cartoon network is fine! :)


Yay! Cartoonnetwork rocks! Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends totally owns and Pokemon is the best! Whoooohooooo! I LOVE Pokemon Battle Frontier, but May needs to hurry up and leave already so Hikari can come in! Whoooohoooo! Pearlshippy foeever! Youtube sucks! Google sucks worst! Shogakukan is meanies! Whoooohooo!

...Oh. You can't watch it...? I'm sorry. *gives you a cookie and goes back to cheering*